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Exercise Julia DelNero Nick Gothier Dave Correa Alex Kelly.

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Presentation on theme: "Exercise Julia DelNero Nick Gothier Dave Correa Alex Kelly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Exercise Julia DelNero Nick Gothier Dave Correa Alex Kelly

2 What is exercise? Activity that requires physical effort carried out especially to maintain or increase health and fitness. 4 components of fitness Core training Balance Interval training Resistance

3 Core work

4 What is the core training? Includes: Transverse abdominis Erector spinae Oblique’s Lower lats The above muscles work as stabilizers for the whole body

5 Why do we core train? Prolonged sitting with no exercise weakens muscles of the midsection Keeping the torso strong is important because it is the body’s center of power

6 Who should train their core? Everyone should be training their core Keeping the stabilizer muscles strong will only improve ones activities of daily living Athletes Office workers Moms Dads Etc Carrying excess weight around can ruin your posture and weaken the muscles of the lower back Proper diet helps with this but proper core training is also beneficial when one is carrying around excess fat

7 Time for a challenge!

8 10 benefits to core training Tightens the abdominal structures involved in movement and improves the transfer of power to and from the extremities Teaches the muscles to work together efficiently and effectively Aids in the prevention of injury Stabilization Improve respiratory function

9 Facilitates proper distribution of weight and assists the body in absorption of force and transfer of forces Enhances neuromuscular efficiency throughout the body and neuromuscular control for efficient movement and physical positioning Improves spinal and postural control while the body is still and in motion Helps to stabilize and align the spine, ribs, and pelvis of a person to withstand static and dynamic force Tightens and flattens the abdominal region

10 What are some core exercises? Crunch Vertical leg crunch Planks V-ups Reverse crunch Flutter kicks Side planks Russian twists

11 Balance

12 What is balance? The ability to maintain your body’s center of gravity above a base support Applied to dynamic or static movements Involves a combination of working parts to functionally work Certain balance exercises involve different types of muscle isolation and stabilization Posture and increasing strength and can benefit balance

13 What makes balance effective? Sensory input Proprioception Vestibular network

14 Why do we do work on balance? Balance should be included in exercise because it is a main component of fitness Doesn’t need to be included in every exercise you do but incorporating it in strength training does help Bosa ball usage Single leg dumbbell deadlifts

15 Who should do balance training? Daily exercisers Athletes Obese individuals The elderly

16 Balance exercises Single leg balance Toe to toe walk Single leg jump squats

17 Time for a challenge!

18 Interval training

19 What is interval training? Training in which an athlete or participant alternates between two activities Typically this requires different rates of speed, degrees of effort, etc

20 Who should be interval training? Interval training can be beneficial to everyone. It is easily modifiable to fit each individuals needs

21 Types of interval training High Intensity interval training (HITT) A system of organizing cardiorespriatory training whi ch calls for repeated bouts of short duration, high- intensity exercise intervals intermingled with periods of lower intensity intervals of active recovery (ACE) Fartlek Developed in Sweden Periods of varied speeds and terrain

22 Tabata 20 seconds intervals high-intensity 10 seconds low intensity 4 minutes total

23 Benefits of interval training An increased amount of calories burned in a shorter time frame. Increase in calorie burned during EPOC (6-15%) Increases aerobic capacity at a faster rate than other training styles Blood pressure Cardiovascular health Time saving Easily modifiable

24 Tabata testing Video

25 Resistance training

26 Lets start off with a challenge!


28 What is resistance training? Resistance training (also called strength or weight training) is the use of resistance to muscular contraction to build the strength, anaerobic endurance and size of skeletal muscles

29 How does it work? Weight training breaks down the muscle, which causes small tears in the muscle fibers The body then repairs itself by making the muscle stronger and more resistant to damage

30 What types are there? Isotonic Isometric Iso Kinetic

31 Isotonic Concentric Exerting force as the muscles shorten Example is the bench press Eccentric Exerting force as the muscle lengthens Example is a negative bicep curl

32 Isometric Immovable object vs. unstoppable force Exerting force as muscle does not change in length An example of this would be planks and wall sits

33 Iso Kinetic Operate at a constant speed against weight/resistance An example would be the leg extension machine

34 Benefits to strength training Ease of living in old age Getting off the couch without making a sound Increased bone density Harder to break bones Higher metabolic rate Body burns off excess fat/calories Slowing down bone loss Osteoporosis Boosts stamina Helps you to look good Strength gains

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