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Coke® & Mentos® - Exploring Explosive Chemistry!

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Presentation on theme: "Coke® & Mentos® - Exploring Explosive Chemistry!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coke® & Mentos® - Exploring Explosive Chemistry!
By; Charles Stephens 1st period

2 Purpose My purpose of this project is that I have always wanted to try a Mentos and Coke project

3 Research/Background information
I got most of my research of projects/project_ideas/MatlSci_p023.shtml

4 Material Mentos mint candy Diet cola
A variety of containers with varying sized opening A narrow test tube wide enough to fit the candy Logbook

5 Hypothesis My hypothesis is that I believe that once I put the mentos in the coke that it start fizzing up an explode into the air like a volcano.

6 Abstract But what is it that makes the reaction happen, and what factors cause a larger or smaller eruption? In this science project, you will see if using crushed Mentos candies, instead of whole Mentos candies, will affect the reaction. So I think it will exploded

7 Experimental Procedure
First, you will need to prepare your crushed Mentos candies. You may want an adult to help you crush the Mentos candies. Place a piece of wax paper on top of the cutting board. On the wax paper, carefully use the knife to crush and cut four Mentos candies into many small pieces, as shown in Figure 2 below. Cut each candy in to at least eight pieces. What does the inside of the Mentos candies look like? When all four candies are cut into pieces, carefully set the piece of wax paper, with the candy pieces still on it, aside somewhere safe. Repeat steps 1a to 1c two more times so that you have three groups of candy pieces. You will be testing the crushed candies in three separate trials. It is important to repeat your experiment so that you are sure that your results are repeatable and reproducible.

8 The Experiment This activity is probably best done outside in the middle of an abandoned field, or better yet, on a huge lawn. 2. Carefully open the bottle of soda. Position the bottle on the ground so that it will not tip over. 3. Unwrap the whole roll of Mentos. The goal is to drop all of the Mentos into the bottle of soda at the same time (which is trickier than it looks). One method for doing this is to roll a piece of paper into a tube just big enough to hold the loose Mentos. You'll want to be able to position the tube directly over the mouth of the bottle so that all of the candies drop into the bottle at the same time. 4. Don't drop them into the bottle just yet! Warn the spectators to stand back. Okay, you're going to drop all of the Mentos into the bottle at the same time and then get truckin' (move out of the way… so long… bye- bye… hasta la vista!) 5. It's just like fireworks on the 4th of July. The spectators erupt, of course, in a chorus of ooohs and ahhhs. Someone yells out, “Do it again” and you do.

9 Data&Observations

10 Conclusion

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