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Senior Field Camp, 2013 Photo D. Warburton SFC 1985.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Field Camp, 2013 Photo D. Warburton SFC 1985."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Field Camp, 2013 Photo D. Warburton SFC 1985

2 22 Dates Depart May 17 Return June 28 Return date could be modified due to adverse conditions

3 33 Travel Arrangements Travel will be in mini-vans rented under the State of Florida Contract Currently there are 18 students, 4 staff Six vans will travel in convoy There will be radios in each van Car top carriers will be used for five vans

4 44 Drivers Assignments are for initial drive only Circumstances may dictate making changes Primary drivers are:  Dr. Oleinik  Alex Modys, GTA  Caroline Wright, GTA  Tania Leung, GTA  Traci J., student  Mike C., student

5 55 Overnight Accommodations - Camping Students and staff will camp for the travel portions of the camp, and for overnight excursions – arrangements have been made for “civilized” campgrounds in most cases  Running water (at least in the rest rooms)  Most have hot water showers  Most have electricity in restrooms – hair dryers, shavers, etc. will work  Some sites may not have potable water

6 66 Camping Equipment You must bring your own tent and sleeping bag – tents may be shared by private arrangement among students Department has large coolers, stoves, and lamps and each van will have one of each – do not bring coolers or stoves Students should form cooking groups, and coordinate stoves, pots. pans, utensils, etc. – we need to bring enough gear to get the job done Some cooking gear has been denoted, and is in the T building – this may be used if desired

7 7 Excess Gear Excess gear is in the van…the more you bring, the less room there is, and the more the gear gets “metamorphosed” Samples are acquired during the trip, so more material will be brought back than you initially left with Experience on JFC should be a guide as to what is needed and what is not

8 Department Equipment You will be issued a Brunton compass at the beginning of field camp You are responsible for the return of the compass in good working order at the end of camp Loss of the compass or any other department equipment assigned to you will result in a bill for replacement of the equipment, and a hold may be placed on your records until the bill is paid 8

9 Other Equipment Per van:  One cooking stove  One lantern  One cooler GPS units Radios Portable Wi-Fi hot spot (experimental) 9

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