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Landscape planning working group Landscape Planning Working Group Budapest 17.-20.03.05 Participants: Anders Larsson Vesselina, Troeva Adnan Uzun Maija.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscape planning working group Landscape Planning Working Group Budapest 17.-20.03.05 Participants: Anders Larsson Vesselina, Troeva Adnan Uzun Maija."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscape planning working group Landscape Planning Working Group Budapest 17.-20.03.05 Participants: Anders Larsson Vesselina, Troeva Adnan Uzun Maija Rautamäki Meinhard Breiling Didrich Bruns Veli Ortacesme Nadja Penko Mustafa Artar Olaf Skage Christina v. Haaren (minutes and organisation)

2 Landscape planning working group 1. Goals in the background: Criteria for Bachelor-, Master-, Doctorate- programmes –  help to define: core competences, work load or importance in the programme. Provide: arguments for minimum resources for teaching Implementing Bologna process –  support: flexibility for students to change between Universities, corporate professional identity 2. Boundaries of the subject „landscape planning“ We exculde legal instruments of environmental impact assessment (like EIA, SEA, habitat directive, management plans of water framework directive…); this is covered by the infrastructure group (which should be renamed) We exclude management aspects, characterised by: implementation character, technical aspects, scale > 1:5000, limited time frame 3. Glossary There are no definitions of landscape and landscape planning in the glossary: Working group members are encouraged to supplement definitions

3 Landscape planning working group 4. Goals for the session Define subject specific competences mre specifically Define work load of typical degree programme –we aggreed on the following precoditions : Bachelor: 3 years, total 180 ETC; 1 ECTS equals 30 h workload for the student; master: 2 years programme ) Identify cross cutting subjects (relevant for more than one subject specific competence)

4 Landscape planning working group 5. Table: Specification and rating of subject specific competences Subject specific competences More specificB%B% MTotal ETC Planning and designPlanning theory (overlappuing with subject area: Theory and Methodology) Landscape/ planning history Methodology of developing goals and targets. deduction of targets from analysis, use of creativity Decision making under information uncertainty process the results of planning in a way which is open to public participation (scenarios, alternatives) 14 Environmental Science, landscape ecology Landscape analysis: Scheme for observing, inventories, evaluation of landscape functions, - Interpretation of maps, other given information: geology, soil, water, climate - special competences in vegetation, habitat inventory (overlapping with subject area vegeation and plant material?) - Indicator based landscape interpretation, observation - Select pertinent ( problem oriented) data 12-14 Human and social scienceLandscape perception (landscape character, cultural landscape; overlapping with subject area Cultural landscape), basisc sociological methodology, esp. of questionnaires Organising public participation process Communication of knowledge 11-13 Technical disciplinesCovered in other subject areas (IT, landscape management, landscape construction and material) Policy, administration, law- Planning system - Environmetal law, planning legislation 6% Sustainable land use management, (rural and urban development, urban development) Forestry, agriculture, water management,tourism,Master Projects, excursions50% Bachelor-thesis5% Subject specific competences that overlapp with other main categories (dealt with in other working groups ) The percentage indicates the importance that the subject specific compentece should have in a landscape planning bachelor

5 Landscape planning working group 6. How to continue: Minutes will be sent to all registered members of working group, including suggestions for the missing categories Feed back from the members to coordinator: Please inculde ECTS for the landscape planning subject specific competences which exisit in your school or you think appropriate Result will be sent to steering group

6 Landscape planning working group 7. Suggestions for missing categories and rating (Cv.Haaren, D. Bruns) please insert your suggestions in another colour Subject specific competences More specificBachelor % Total ETCS Bachelor Planning and designPlanning theory including ethical basis (overlappuing with subject area: Theory and Methodology) Landscape/ planning history Methodology of developing goals and targets. deduction of targets from analysis, use of creativity Decision making under information uncertainty process the results of planning in a way which is open to public participation (scenarios, alternatives) B: 14%14 Environmental Science, landscape ecology Landscape analysis: Scheme for observing, inventories, evaluation of landscape functions, - Interpretation of maps, other given information: geology, soil, water, climate - special competences in vegetation, habitat inventory (overlapping with subject area vegeation and plant material?) - Indicator based landscape interpretation, observation - Select pertinent ( problem oriented) data 12-1415 Human and social scienceLandscape perception (landscape character, cultural landscape; overlapping with subject area Cultural landscape), recreation basisc sociological methodology, esp. of questionnaires Organising public participation process Communication of knowledge 11-135 Technical disciplinesCovered in other subject areas (IT, landscape management, landscape construction and material) 13 Policy, administration, law - Planning system - Environmetal law, planning legislation (spatial planning, zooning) -Environmental economy 6%6 Sustainable land use management, (rural and urban development, urban development) Forestry, agriculture, water management,tourism (special land use plans, practical implementation, legislation, economy, incentives) Integrated landscape and land use planning Suggested for Master course Projects, excursions50%90? -> 60 Bachelor-thesis5%10? -> 20 The suggested ECTS for landscpape planning related subject are caculted for a generalisitc bachelor with both Blue: cvh; Cvh: I suggested to change the ects for Projects, excursions because we have to see them together with the bachelor thesis which is a similar type of work Cvh: I suggested to change the ects for Projects, excursions because we have to see them together with the bachelor thesis which is a similar type of work

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