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Site License Advisory Team May 31, 2013 meeting. Agenda 1.Adobe CLP Changes 2.Microsoft Campus Agreement Renewal –New features 3.MS Agreement RFP for.

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Presentation on theme: "Site License Advisory Team May 31, 2013 meeting. Agenda 1.Adobe CLP Changes 2.Microsoft Campus Agreement Renewal –New features 3.MS Agreement RFP for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site License Advisory Team May 31, 2013 meeting

2 Agenda 1.Adobe CLP Changes 2.Microsoft Campus Agreement Renewal –New features 3.MS Agreement RFP for Reseller –Recommendation –Pricing for departments and students –Additional products

3 Adobe CLP Changes Current CLP in place until 4/6/14 With the next CLP: –Adobe will no longer offer maintenance on any perpetual licenses –Adobe will no longer offer concurrent licensing –Adobe will no longer offer perpetual upgrades beyond CS6 (we think) Adobe is pushing everyone to the Creative Cloud (CC) option

4 Adobe EEA for Creative Cloud Initial pricing is approx. $22.88/FTE –Includes everyone on campus in the denominator Total pricing for fac/staff is more than we currently pay for all Adobe licensing in some years Total fac/staff/student pricing is more than our new Microsoft agreement will be

5 Adobe EEA Credit for maintenance provided –No credit for existing perpetual licenses –Adobe is offering a maintenance plan for products currently under maintenance 18 months no charge for upgrades to CC versions No home use currently Required to count for compliance –Each copy allows for 2 institutional machines Except in labs, where it’s just 1

6 Microsoft Campus Agreement Current Agreement expires 6/30/2013 –Assessment for FY13 to happen in June New Features Include: –Virtualization of desktops to all students –Ability to add “all you can eat” licensing for SQL, Project, Visio, MDOP, and any other product –5 Year agreement Yearly price increases, but stable in years 1 and 2 –WiredOut to sell fac/staff/student personal use licenses for Win/Office at a deeper discount

7 Microsoft Campus Agreement Assuming all pricing comes out as expected, WiredOut will take over the student spend –Frees up departments to put student spend to another need –This is approximately $300k back to departments

8 Microsoft Campus Agreement ItemOld AgreementNew Agreement MS Campus Agreement$1,150,000$1,281,000 WiredOut Additional SpendApprox. $300kNone required Select Discount17%17.5% Additional CA Products17%34%

9 Microsoft Campus Agreement FTE Change, FY13 – FY14 –Fac/Staff: FY13: 23,379 FY14: 23,870 –Growth: 491 FTE –Student FY13: 53,977 FY14: 53,262 –Growth: -715 FTE


11 Microsoft Reseller RFP RFP returned, expected award 5/31 or 6/3 from the IUC Estimated pricing for SQL, Project, Visio, et al. on subscription rates –SQL: $5/FTE F/S, $3/FTE student Must license both Fac/Staff and students –Visio/Project: $4/FTE F/S, $3/FTE student –RDS CAL’s: $4/FTE F/S, $3/FTE student –MDOP: $2-3/FTE

12 Microsoft Reseller RFP Requirements Price list for Select products provided monthly 4 hour SLA to respond with quote M-F, 8-5 availability (with backup) required for sales team PO’s processed and materials sent to us within 3 business days of receipt Account team to be evaluated with references

13 Microsoft Campus Agreement Minor outstanding questions: –Handling of departments with no students for SQL or other items that require student licenses (OSUWMC, OCIO, Athletics, etc.) –Exact pricing (resolved with RFP award by 6/3) –Paperwork *must* be completed by June 15, meaning all decisions regarding additional products must be made by then.

14 Questions/Comments Next meeting June 27, 2013, 10 AM, 580 Baker Systems –I’m out Friday, June 28, so we’re moving it up a day

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