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Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 1 ICU / OBS performance.

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Presentation on theme: "Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 1 ICU / OBS performance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 1 ICU / OBS performance Anna Maria Di Giorgio - INAF IFSI Rome on behalf of the OBS development team

2 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 2 ICU HW CFM - delivered on April 2006. - working on parallel test setup since Sept. 2006 Flight Model - delivered on 28/06/2006 - working on main test setup

3 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 3 ICU HW CFM Potential Problem: - memory corruptions have been observed in PACS and SPIRE CFMs, with different consequences on the running SWs. - the analysis carried out by IFSI showed that the system is critical with respect to the execution of some sequences of assembler commands, involving an access to DM. In these cases the instruction execution time can be longer than the 50nsec allowed by the CPU clock. - a possible work around has been implemented on PACS and SPIRE, tests on CFMs and FMs are going on. - wait for test results before implementing the modif. to HIFI

4 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 4 ICU OBS Functionalities: - All functionalities specified in ICDs are implemented since delivery of version 4.0 in July 2006. - WBS tuning procedure optimised in October according to new inputs provided by WBS team. - New LCU features implementation process still ongoing through SCRs and TNs. TCs and TM packets changes already traced in ICDs. LCU memory management LCU memory read HK Use of safety tables New LCU configure New LCU IV curve - OBS Short Functional Test procedure agreed

5 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 5 OBS performance - OBS robustness improved: (no crashes/deadlocks observed since delivery of OBS 4.0) HK pool overflow problem (caused crashes in the past) fully understood and cured - WBS requirements (10 µsec jitter in commanding) fully met by use of internal command interpreter (VM), not used for other procedures (tuning/scanning): 100µsec precision in integration time. - Optimization of duration of tuning/scanning procedures to minimise overheads due to OBS internal processing

6 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 6 OBS Deliveries Releases from September 2006: 1.OBS 4.1:03/09/2006LCU memory management SCR Simulate peakup SCR Goto Safe at startup SCR Autonomous functions activation SCR Zero switch restoring after COMB SCR 2.OBS 4.1.1:13/09/2006patch to solve fast chop Time stamps problems 3.OBS 4.2:13/10/2006Implementation of SCR 898, 859, 884,624, 568 solution of SPR 913, 903, 868, 601, 899, 897, 633 4.OBS 4.2.1:19/10/2006patch to solve SPR 898, 926 5.OBS 4.3:10/11/2006Optimisation of memory management functions Optimisation of scans/tuning procedures involving spectrometers Implementation of SCR 952, 929, 916, 915, 876. Solution of SPR 948, 933, 903, 897 6.OBS 4.3.1:14/11/2006patch to align limit checking params to new tables 7.OBS 4.3.2:01/12/2006patch to implement SCR 955 and SPR 966

7 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 7 OBS Status I SPR:163 SPRs issued since delivery of OBS 2.0 on 2004 Open SPRs: -5 accepted for implementation (will be included in next delivery) -5 analysed, to be discussed at CCB -3 still under analysis/discussion -8 Implemented (to be tested) SCR: 47 SCRsissued since delivery of OBS 2.0 on 2004 Open SCRs: - 1 new SCR Issued the past week - 1 accepted for implementation (will be included in next delivery) - 4 analysed, to be discussed at CCB -2 still under analysis/discussion -6 Implemented (to be tested)

8 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 8 OBS Status II OBS Architecture fixed and stable since May 2006 (OBS 3.6 release). A flexible command execution strategy allows the implementation of new SCRs without necessity of architectural changes. The OBS maintenance team @IFSI is supporting remotely the testing activities @SRON. 1)IFSI test environment: - ICU AVM1 model - Subsystems I/F simulators provided by SRON - CDMS simulator SW (RAL) - SCOS 2000 - MIB provided by SRON Limitations: - Timing of command issuing by CDMS cannot be simulated exactly - Limited overall reproducibility of SRON test results - OBS Management facility is missing: OBS management procedure tested with in-house software.

9 Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario - Roma (Italy) HIFI SVR#2 – SRON Groningen 05 December 2006 9 ICU SW - HIFI OBS Development Team Anna Maria Di Giorgio - INAF IFSI Rome Lorenzo Piazzo - Univ. of Rome INFOCOM Dept. Francesco Nuzzolo - Univ. of Rome INFOCOM Dept. - IFSI OBS Maintenance Team Anna Maria Di Giorgio - INAF IFSI Rome (HIFI ref.) Stefano Pezzuto - INAF IFSI Rome (PACS ref.) Sergio Molinari - INAF IFSI Rome (SPIRE ref.) Giovanni Liu - INAF IFSI Rome Lorenzo Piazzo - Univ. of Rome INFOCOM Dept. Daniele Schito – Ergho systems

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