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Mr. Gifford’s 5 th Grade Math Lesson #4 Decimal Place Value.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Gifford’s 5 th Grade Math Lesson #4 Decimal Place Value."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Gifford’s 5 th Grade Math Lesson #4 Decimal Place Value.

2 Decimal place value is very similar to whole number place value. Every number has a place to hold. However, decimals are numbers LESS than ONE WHOLE number otherwise known as a FRACTION.

3 All numbers that are decimals end with a “ths” to represent a number that is less than one or a fraction.

4 100,000 = 1 whole 10,000 = 1 Whole 1,000 = 1 Whole 100 = 1 Whole 10 = 1 Whole AND

5 Now lets work on recognizing and saying these numbers. 0.3 = Three Tenths = this means you have 3 out of 10 items = 3/10 0.04 = Four Hundredths = this means you have 4 out of 100 items = 4/100

6 0.002 = Two Thousandths = This means you have 2 out of 1000 items = 2/1000 0.0006 = Six Ten Thousandths = This means you have 6 out of 10,000 items = 6/10,000

7 Now let’s Practice We will look at the number, say the number, then say the fraction. 0.45Forty-five HUNDREDTHS45/100 0.07Seven HUNDREDTHS7/100 0.9Nine TENTHS9/10

8 0.306 Three Hundred-six THOUSADNTHS 306/1000 0.791 Seven Hundred Ninety-one THOUSANDTHS 791/1000 0.041 Forty-one THOUSANDTHS 41/1000 0.009 Nine THOUSANDTHS 9/1000

9 0.0382 Three Hundred Eighty-Two TEN THOUSANDTHS 382/10,000 0.2941 Two Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-One TEN THOUSANDTHS 2,941/10,000 VIDEO

10 Good Work with this lesson. Go to the following link to assess what you have learned. Thank you and see you next lesson /scooterQuest.htm

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