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PROCUREMENT CASE FOR FRAMEWORKS SOUTH WEST CONSULTANCY FRAMEWORK WORKSHOP 24 February 2011 Taunton Colm Hughes Strategic Procurement Specialist Torbay.

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Presentation on theme: "PROCUREMENT CASE FOR FRAMEWORKS SOUTH WEST CONSULTANCY FRAMEWORK WORKSHOP 24 February 2011 Taunton Colm Hughes Strategic Procurement Specialist Torbay."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROCUREMENT CASE FOR FRAMEWORKS SOUTH WEST CONSULTANCY FRAMEWORK WORKSHOP 24 February 2011 Taunton Colm Hughes Strategic Procurement Specialist Torbay Council

2 WHY JOIN A FRAMEWORK? Pre-existing procurement gateway Access to a suite of experienced suppliers Shared user-base of expertise Expands range of options for your procurement strategy

3 BENEFITS FOR USERS/BUYERS General requirements have been advertised OJEU process completed Less time and administrative cost to procure Mini-Competitions can allow for easier comparison of bids

4 FRAMEWORKS & SUPPLIERS Economies of scale: Larger contract volumes attractive to suppliers Bidders expend less administrative time & cost on tendering for individual competitions under framework, can result in better pricing Competitive pressures maintained

5 FRAMEWORKS: POTENTIAL DRAWBACKS New suppliers may emerge in market that weren’t on the original framework For suppliers: No guarantees that they will be awarded work Some frameworks may adopt an ‘one size fits all’ approach

6 SWCF Range & Flexibility Wide range of suppliers, sorted into relevant lot categories Framework not mandatory: Allows complementary/alternative procurement process where appropriate

7 SWCF Quality & Competition Quality assurance of supplier credentials, standing and core capabilities Range of suppliers to maintain competitiveness

8 TYPICAL NON-FRAMEWORK PROCESS Initial OJEU Tender Notice PQQ ITT Evaluation Standstill Contract Award OJEU Award Notice Contract Management Re-tendering Preparation

9 CHALLENGES IN PUBLIC PROCUREMENT Fresh set of risks to manage for each OJEU process Remedies Directive: Suspension, Set-asides, Damages, Costs Risk of challenge months after Alcatel period

10 EUROPEAN DYNAMICS & HM TREASURY 2009 “There is a general public interest in a central and common public procurement route for services such as are on offer under the framework arrangements in this case; that arises in terms of cost savings as well as the use of similar and compatible products and services”

11 ANY QUESTIONS? Contact Legal Services - Torbay Council Strategic Procurement Specialist

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