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Budgets, Dialog and Sustainability Chris Hill, Grossmont College Virginia May, Sacramento City College Richard Mahon, Riverside City College.

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Presentation on theme: "Budgets, Dialog and Sustainability Chris Hill, Grossmont College Virginia May, Sacramento City College Richard Mahon, Riverside City College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budgets, Dialog and Sustainability Chris Hill, Grossmont College Virginia May, Sacramento City College Richard Mahon, Riverside City College


3 State of Accreditation Today American Council of Education recommendations on accreditation 1.Transparency – accreditation documents; student outcomes 2.Metrics and measures – improvement of data; common, comparative measures 3.Defined pathways to student success – increased focus on matriculation and student support; incentives for completion 4.New pedagogies and new entities – MOOCs; assure comparable quality of online learning 5.Adaptive accreditation reviews – flexibility for expedited reviews of sounds institutions 6.Enhanced gatekeeping – more pressure on accreditors and institutions to maintain quality between site visits From ACCJC News, Fall 2012 3

4 The Importance of Fiscal Planning The tale of two college districts 4

5 Faculty Role in Accreditation Title 5 outlines 10 + 1 including faculty role in processes for institutional planning and budget development. ACCJC does not enforce Title 5, but many of the Title 5 principles are reflected in the accreditation standards. 5

6 ACCJC Standard III: Resources The institution effectively uses its human, physical, technology, and financial resources to achieve its broad educational purposes, including stated student learning outcomes, and to improve institutional effectiveness. Accredited colleges in multi-college systems may be organized such that responsibility for resources, allocation of resources and planning rests with the system. In such cases, the system is responsible for meeting standards on behalf of the accredited colleges. 6

7 Standard IIID: Financial Resources 1.The institution’s mission and goals are the foundation for financial planning. 2.To assure the financial integrity of the institution and responsible use of its financial resources, the internal control structure has appropriate control mechanisms and widely disseminates dependable and timely information for sound financial decision making. 3.The institution has policies and procedures to ensure sound financial practices and financial stability. 4.Financial resource planning is integrated with institutional planning. The institution systematically assesses the effective use of financial resources and sues the results of the evaluation as the basis for improvement of the institution. 7

8 Integrated Assessment – The Three Rubrics Program Review Planning Student Outcomes and Assessment 8

9 Governance Models Who does the college “belong” to? Top-Down Institutionalized 9

10 Faculty Role in Institutional Planning Budget Processes: Maintaining the 10 Plus 1 in Budget Crisis (Rostrum, Vogel, 2008) Budget Processes: Maintaining the 10 Plus 1 in Budget Crisis The Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting (ASCCC, 2001) The Faculty Role in Planning and Budgeting 10

11 Summary Important Elements of Sustainability Transparency – college (and a district) budget committee representing all constituency groups: committee has a charge and minutes are kept Planning – as required in the standards, financial planning must be linked to educational and institutional planning Dialogue – budget updates can be made available to budget committee, committee members share information with constituencies 11

12 ACCJC Resources Memo_Institutional-Fiscal-Data-and-Reqs-for-Evidentiary- Docs_2011.pdf Memo_Institutional-Fiscal-Data-and-Reqs-for-Evidentiary- Docs_2011.pdf content/uploads/2012/08/Required_Evidentiary_Docs_for_Fi nancial_Review_ALL-MEMBER-INSTITUTIONS_8-8-12.pdf content/uploads/2012/08/Required_Evidentiary_Docs_for_Fi nancial_Review_ALL-MEMBER-INSTITUTIONS_8-8-12.pdf Opinion-Matrix_2011.pdf Opinion-Matrix_2011.pdf content/uploads/2010/11/Schedule-of-Financial-Trends- Analysis-Sample.pdf content/uploads/2010/11/Schedule-of-Financial-Trends- Analysis-Sample.pdf content/uploads/2012/09/Accreditation-Reference- Handbook_2012.pdf content/uploads/2012/09/Accreditation-Reference- Handbook_2012.pdf 12

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