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2 MultiStore Shopping Cart has multi-store abilites which allow you to manage multiple stores from one admin interface. There are many advantages in being able to set up multiple stores: Theme each store differently to match the products that are being sold. Set products to a appear on specific stores. Localise each store by setting a different default language, currency and tax class. You can set different prices for each store you have setup. Setup a default customer group for each store allowing you to have some stores setup for retail customers and others as wholesale.

3 Multiple TaX Rates Shopping Cart allows you to setup multiple tax zones so that the correct taxes are paid depending on which country the goods are going to be paid from or shipped to. Payment Gateway We can received payment directly in our bank account via Payment Gateway.

4 Shipping Method We can set shipping method so customer can compare which shipping method is cheap and when his product will deliver. We can also explore any product in like featured product. Or Special, Latest Product in Home Page. We can also show customer review on home page. It’s increase web ranking.

5 Reports Shopping Cart currently has 3 different types of reports. Sales Report Calculate the total amount of sales by day, week or month. Products Viewed View which products have been viewed the most or had the most interest from your visitors. Products Purchased View which products have been sold the most so you can better plan marketing campaigns to boost sales.

6 Customer Groups Define different customers groups such as default, retail or wholesale and set different prices for each group. Logged In Display Prices Set your store to display prices to only logged in customers. Quantity Discount Set price breaks depending on the quantity of being ordered by the customer. You can set the quantity discount to work with the customer groups so you can set different quantity discounts for each group.

7 Design Layout If we built Design Layout system so you can easily switch between different templates or migrate the current look of your site.

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