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The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early.

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Presentation on theme: "The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early Years 3:1-4:13 Galilee: Land of Miracles Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, and Beyond On the Way to Jerusalem: Land of Discipleship Training Jerusalem: Land of Rejection and Death 4:14-9:509:51-19:4419:45-23:56 Journey with Jesus: In Word and Deed

2 The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early Years 3:1-4:13 Galilee: Land of Miracles Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, and Beyond On the Way to Jerusalem: Land of Discipleship Training Jerusalem: Land of Rejection and Death 4:14-9:509:51-19:4419:45-23:56 Journey with Jesus: In Word and Deed Introduction 1:1-4 …that you might know the certainty of the things you have been told

3 Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, 2 just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. 3 Therefore, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, it seemed good also to me to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, 4 so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. Prologue to Luke

4 The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early Years 3:1-4:13 Galilee: Land of Miracles Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, and Beyond On the Way to Jerusalem: Land of Discipleship Training Jerusalem: Land of Rejection and Death 4:14-9:509:51-19:4419:45-23:56 Journey with Jesus: In Word and Deed Begins in the Temple – Ends in the Temple The Temple: the location of the presence of God and the Revelation of Jesus (and the place of His rejection) Jesus presented in Temple (2:21-40). Jesus teaching in Temple (2:41-52) Jesus sets face for Jerusalem (9:51-62); Jerusalem mentioned 13x’s in travel narrative (9-19) Jesus enters Jerusalem – Temple (19:45-48); Remainder of book is temple-centered (20:1; 21:37-38; 23:45). Note Temple destruction 21:5-28 Jesus’ Resurrection appearance in Jerusalem (24:50-53) Jesus tempted at Temple (4:9-13) Note the lack of location for Peter’s Confession (9:18ff) Jesus’ Transfiguration conversation; Exodus in Jerusalem (9:31) Jesus “on the way” to Jerusalem; Bethany (10:38-42) Also note 10:37, “Go” = Travel Jesus teaches “on the way” (13:22); Jerusalem is place for prophets death (13:31-35) Reminder of Journey destination (17:11) 3 rd Passion Prediction: Jerusalem (18:31) Jesus inching closer and closer (19:28, 37, 41)

5 The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early Years 3:1-4:13 Galilee: Land of Miracles Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, and Beyond On the Way to Jerusalem: Land of Discipleship Training Jerusalem: Land of Rejection and Death 4:14-9:509:51-19:4419:45-23:56 Journey with Jesus: In Word and Deed As the time approached for him to be taken up to heaven, Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem.(9:51) Geographic – Theological Pivot 9:51-56

6 The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early Years 3:1-4:13 Galilee: Land of Miracles Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, and Beyond On the Way to Jerusalem: Land of Discipleship Training Jerusalem: Land of Rejection and Death 4:14-9:509:51-19:4419:45-23:56 Journey with Jesus: In Word and Deed When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. Climax Chap 24:50-51

7 The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early Years 3:1-4:13 Galilee: Land of Miracles Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, and Beyond On the Way to Jerusalem: Land of Discipleship Training Jerusalem: Land of Rejection and Death 4:14-9:509:51-19:4419:45-23:56 Journey with Jesus: In Word and Deed Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures, “This is what is written…you are witnesses of these things I am going to send you what the Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Climax Chap 24:45-49

8 The Gospel of Luke 1:1-424:1-53 Prologue Resurrection and Ascension 1:5-2:52 Preparation for the Journey Threshold to Ministry Origin, Birth, and Early Years 3:1-4:13 Galilee: Land of Miracles Journey of Jesus to Jerusalem, and Beyond On the Way to Jerusalem: Land of Discipleship Training Jerusalem: Land of Rejection and Death 4:14-9:509:51-19:4419:45-23:56 Journey with Jesus: In Word and Deed Confusion: Passion Prediction 1 9:21-22 Confusion: Passion Prediction 2 9:44-45 Confusion: Passion Prediction 3 18:31-34 Problem Human Dilemma: Confusion to His Person; Confusion of His mission Rejection in Nazareth 4:14-30 Rejection in Samaria 9:53 Rejection in Temple 19:45-48 Solution Human Transformation: Opening of mind; adoption of mission 24:45-47

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