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Kuhn and Lakatos week 4 Economic Methodology Thomas Kuhn 1922-1996 1962 (1 st ), 1970 (2 nd )

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2 Kuhn and Lakatos week 4 Economic Methodology

3 Thomas Kuhn 1922-1996 1962 (1 st ), 1970 (2 nd )

4 Autobiographic fragment “Aristotle had been an acute and naturalistic observer. In such fields as biology or political behavior, his interpretations if phenomena had often been, in addition, both penetrating and deep. How could his characteristic talents have failed him so when applied to motion? How could he have said about it so many apparently absurd things? And, above all, why had his views been taken so seriously for so long a time by so many of his successors?

5 No Growth of Knowledge  time

6 But Revolutions

7 Paradigm 1483, from L.L. paradigma"pattern, example," especiallyin grammar, from Gk.paradeigma"pattern, model," fromparadeiknynai "exhibit,represent," lit. "show side byside,“from para- "beside" + deiknynai"to show" (cognate withL. dicere "to show;" (see diction).1483, from L.L. paradigma"pattern, example," especiallyin grammar, from Gk.paradeigma"pattern, model," fromparadeiknynai "exhibit,represent," lit. "show side byside,“from para- "beside" + deiknynai"to show" (cognate withL. dicere "to show;" (see diction).

8 Gestalt-switch

9 Pythagoras

10 Incommensurable

11 Attitude towards refutations What would Einstein have done had the eclipse experiment not agreed with relativity?: “Then I would feel sorry for the good Lord. The theory is correct!”. Albert Einstein and Sir Arthur Eddington

12 Anomaly

13 Reputation

14 Normal Science Puzzle solving Norms Exemplars (paradigms)

15 Imre Lakatos Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes 1970 1922-1974

16 Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes Negative heuristic: ‘hard core’ is irrefutable Positive heuristic: anomalies must lead to changes only in the ‘protective belt’

17 Progressive shifts T 1  T 2  T 3  … P1P1 P2P2 P3P3

18 Rationality Choose the most progressive Theoretical progressive: predicts/explains new facts Empirical progressive: new facts are verified Degenerating: not progressive

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