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 Write down as many terms/descriptors /evaluative points you can remember about Correlations  Definition of what a correlation is.  Description of.

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Presentation on theme: " Write down as many terms/descriptors /evaluative points you can remember about Correlations  Definition of what a correlation is.  Description of."— Presentation transcript:


2  Write down as many terms/descriptors /evaluative points you can remember about Correlations  Definition of what a correlation is.  Description of the types of correlations.  Description of what is a weak or strong correlation  How are correlations presented?


4  Positive Correlation  Negative Correlation  Zero Correlation  Causation  Correlation Coefficient  Operationalise Variables  Hypothesis  One-tailed Hypothesis  Two-tailed Hypothesis  Alternate Hypothesis  Null Hypothesis  Descriptive Statistics  Inferential Statistics  Scattergram  Cause-and-effect

5  You need to operationalize your two variables When conducting a correlation study do you manipulate a IV? Why or why not?

6 There will be a significant [direction] correlation between [variable 1] (measured by [something]) and [variable 2] (measured by [something]) There will be no significant correlation between [variable 1] (measured by [something]) and [variable 2] (measured by [something]) Alternative. Null

7 There will be a significant [direction] correlation between [variable 1] (measured by [something]) and [variable 2] (measured by [something]) There will be a significant correlation between [variable 1] (measured by [something]) and [variable 2] (measured by [something]) 1Tailed 2Tailed No Direction

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