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Weather and Climate. Weather vs. Climate Weather – The daily condition of the atmosphere which includes temperature and precipitation Precipitation: Moisture.

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Presentation on theme: "Weather and Climate. Weather vs. Climate Weather – The daily condition of the atmosphere which includes temperature and precipitation Precipitation: Moisture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Weather and Climate

2 Weather vs. Climate Weather – The daily condition of the atmosphere which includes temperature and precipitation Precipitation: Moisture that falls from the sky. Forms include: rain, snow, sleet and hail What terms would you use to describe the weather today?

3 Climate: Averaged weather. Measured over an extended period of time (usually 30 years) “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get.” How would you describe our climate?

4 Earth Sun Relationship The ultimate source of the earth’s climate is the sun. Earth’s rotation (when the earth spins on its axis) Rotation creates day and night. The Earth’s revolution (one complete orbit around the sun) creates seasons.


6 Can you identify 1-6? Which line are the sun's rays shining on directly? What day does this diagram represent? Which hemisphere is having summer? How do you know?

7 Now the earth is on the other side of the sun. How much time has past? What season is it in the northern hemisphere? in the southern hemisphere? If the sun's rays are shining directly on the tropic of cancer, what day is it?

8 Climate Factors: LACEMOPS L atitude: –Most important –Farther from the equator, the colder and drier it becomes –Direct rays are always in the tropics.

9 A ir masses: What would Mountains to the North of a city do? Cold Air Warm Air City

10 Continentality –Water moderates climate (longer to heat and cool than land) City A City B

11 E levation –It gets colder as you go up a mountain –Formula = Temperature decreases 3.5°F for every 1000 feet increase in elevation

12 Problem: It is 75° at the base of a 10,000 ft mountain. What is the temperature at the top of the mountain? 75° 10,000 ft ?

13 M ountain Barriers: Mountains can stop storms and air masses. They are also responsible for the orographic effect.

14 O cean Currents: Cold Currents are dry, warm currents are wet.


16 P revailing Winds

17 S torms: Where polar winds meet Westerlies there are storms. When hot air masses and cold air masses collide-there are storms. Cyclonic storms (hurricanes, typhoons)

18 Climate Regions Climate regions are typically classified by temperature and precipitation Wladimir Koppen developed a system in the 1900s based on 5 broad climate regions –tropical –dry –moderate –continental –polar What do you think the climate is like in each of these climate regions?

19 Guess the Climate I live by the beach. The temperature is hot in the summers and cool in the winters. Most summer days, I try to hit up the beach, I do, however, have to worry about hurricanes starting in the summer. I live in a _________________ climate.

20 Guess the Climate I live in a lush environment, which is good because the tall trees provide shades. I do not own any winter clothes. Every time I leave my house I am sure to take my umbrella. I live in a ______________ climate.

21 Guess the Climate I live in an extreme climate. I stay inside most of the day, as it is too hot to do much. At night, I typically wear a jacket as it can get cold. I never have to worry about rain. I live in a _____________ climate.

22 Guess the Climate My wardrobe is pretty one dimensional. I own long sleeves and coats. I even wear them in the summer!! There are very few plants due to the extreme temperature and lack of rain. I live in a _______________ climate.

23 Guess the Climate I love where I live. In the summer, I can go swimming in the lake and in the winter I can go ice skating on the same lake. Everything is green in the summer due to the extra precipitation we get in the summer months. I live in a ______________ climate.

24 World Climate Regions Tropical –Tropical Wet –Tropical Wet and Dry Dry –Arid –Semiarid Moderate Mediterranean Humid Subtropical Marine West Coast Continental Humid Continental Subarctic Polar Tundra Ice Cap

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