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Parts of Speech Unit 3 Prepositions. Definition A preposition is a word or small group of words that shows the relationship of its noun or pronoun object.

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of Speech Unit 3 Prepositions. Definition A preposition is a word or small group of words that shows the relationship of its noun or pronoun object."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of Speech Unit 3 Prepositions

2 Definition A preposition is a word or small group of words that shows the relationship of its noun or pronoun object to another word or words in the sentence. A preposition, therefore, always functions as part of a prepositional phrase and not as an independent part of the sentence.

3 Some Common Prepositions AboutBetweenIn AcrossByLike AfterDespiteNear AgainstDuringOf AtExceptOn BehindForTo BelowFromWith

4 Prepositional Phrase A prepositional phrase consists of the preposition, its object (a noun or pronoun), and any modifiers of the noun or pronoun. The first word in the phrase will be the preposition, the last word will be the object, and modifiers will appear between the preposition and its object. Modifiers are an optional part of the prepositional phrase.

5 Determining the Prepositional Phrase To find a prepositional phrase, locate the preposition and ask whom or what after it. The answer to your question will be the object of the preposition. The prepositional phrase begins with the preposition and ends with its object.

6 We finally found the mother (of the kittens). of = preposition of whom or what? of kittens of the kittens = prepositional phrase

7 Identifying Prepositional Phrases Identify any prepositional phrases in the sentences below. Be prepared to name the preposition and its object. 1. In their fight against cancer, doctors often employ both chemotherapy and radiation. 2. In front of our apartment building, we have a row of tenant mailboxes. 3. During the past few years, Central’s student body has won numerous awards for excellence in many different endeavors.

8 Uses of Prepositional Phrases Prepositional phrases are generally used as adjective or adverb modifiers. The picture in the paper was not very flattering. In the paper modifies the noun picture, answering the adjective question which one. Helen dived into the freezing water. Into the freezing water modifies the verb dived, answering the adverb question where.

9 More about Adjective Prepositional Phrases Unlike the one-word adjective, which usually precedes the word it modifies, the adjective prepositional phrase always follows the noun or pronoun it modifies. However, it will continue to answer the adjective questions which one, what kind, how many, and whose. The books (on that shelf) belong somewhere else. Shirley wanted the books (about ancient Rome).

10 More about Adverb Prepositional Phrases Just like one-word adverbs, an adverb prepositional phrase can modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Adverb prepositional phrases may appear in various places in sentences; however, they will continue to answer the adverb questions: how, when, where, why, to what extent. (In 1924) Texans elected Miriam Wallace Ferguson governor. She became known (as “Ma” Ferguson).

11 Identifying Adjective and Adverb Prepositional Phrases In the sentences below, identify the prepositional phrases. Be prepared to tell whether each prepositional phrase is an adjective or an adverb and which question it answers. 1. The police car arrived in front of our apartment building. 2. Students in the sophomore class will have their class meeting in the morning. 3. The view from Mount Nebo is harsh and forbidding. 4. Harold hung the picture of his family on the wall in his den. 5. After work everyone goes to the theater for rehearsals. 6. The bride came down the steps of the circular stairway.

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