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Written by Gary MartinGary Martin Illustrated by Phillip MartinPhillip Martin Adverbs.

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Presentation on theme: "Written by Gary MartinGary Martin Illustrated by Phillip MartinPhillip Martin Adverbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Written by Gary MartinGary Martin Illustrated by Phillip MartinPhillip Martin Adverbs

2 An adverb is a word that modifies, or adds to the meaning of, other words, such, as verbs, adjectives and other adverbs.

3 Adverbs answer the questions: How? When? Where?

4 For example: I will sleep downstairs. (where) I will go today. (when) I whispered quietly. (how)

5 Frequently an adverb will have an “ly” ending. Examples include: quickly, smoothly, calmly, endlessly, regally, daily, greatly, happily, loudly

6 Can you find the adverb in the sentence?

7 Today we received our history tests back. Find the adverb.

8 Today we received our history tests back. Today is the adverb and it answers the question, when? Find the adverb.

9 Joe ran quickly to hand in his homework on time.

10 Quickly answers the question, how? How did Joe run? Quickly.

11 The astronaut flew up to the moon.

12 The adverb is up because it answers the question, where?

13 The river near my house has lots of fish.

14 The adverb is near and it answers the question, where?

15 King Author ruled his kingdom regally.

16 Regally is the adverb because it tells us how he ruled.

17 The explorer, Ponce de Leon, searched tirelessly for the fountain of youth.

18 Tirelessly is the adverb and it answers the question, how?

19 The students quickly ran to the school bus to go home. The End.

20 For more Presentations check these links to and my site. To make your own presentations, check out my clip art site.clip art site

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