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Notes Science  Variation refers to a variety or diversity of traits (different kinds) within any given population. Example: Look around at the other students.

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Presentation on theme: "Notes Science  Variation refers to a variety or diversity of traits (different kinds) within any given population. Example: Look around at the other students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Notes Science  Variation refers to a variety or diversity of traits (different kinds) within any given population. Example: Look around at the other students. Notice the unique traits that individuals have such as hair color, height, eye color, skin color, etc.  Likewise variations occur in nature in populations of plants, animals, insects, fish, etc. Variation in Populations This is an example of variation within the student population SPI 0807.5.3 Variation in Populations  Variation occurs due to natural selection and is the result of the pairing of alleles from parental DNA (dominant and recessive) and also from mutations.

2 Phase 1Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 4 Phases of Natural Selection

3 Questions Science SPI 0807.5.3 Variation in Populations Note: This in only about insecticide two. Insecticide 2  For population two, only 2 % survived, and with population four, zero % survived. They were the least resistant. Also, this is about resistance (survival rate) and not about the percentages killed!

4 Questions Science SPI 0807.5.3 Variation in Populations Note: Something beneficial happened in 1988 that enabled the population to increase. One logical explanation is that with fewer predators, more rabbits survived.

5 Questions Science SPI 0807.5.3 Variation in Populations Note: This charts shows the color variation in the summer. Brown is dominant in this summer as camouflage. In a snowy winter, white would be better camouflage. Better in the summer Better in the winter

6 Questions Science SPI 0807.5.3 Variation in Populations Note: The new predator runs 40 KPH. Therefore the rabbits that can run faster than this have the best chance of surviving.

7 Questions Science SPI 0807.5.3 Variation in Populations Note: After 5 generations, genotype Gg is only 5% of the population. One explanation would be that this type of grass is producing fewer seeds that the other two types of grass.

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