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Section A Period 1 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? 1. --- Where is…? 在哪? --- It’s under/ on/ in… 它在 … 下面 / 上面 / 里面。 2. ---Where are.... ---They're in /

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Presentation on theme: "Section A Period 1 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag? 1. --- Where is…? 在哪? --- It’s under/ on/ in… 它在 … 下面 / 上面 / 里面。 2. ---Where are.... ---They're in /"— Presentation transcript:


2 Section A Period 1 Unit 4 Where’s my schoolbag?

3 1. --- Where is…? 在哪? --- It’s under/ on/ in… 它在 … 下面 / 上面 / 里面。 2. ---Where are.... ---They're in / on / under..... 重点句型

4 Let's learn new words bookcase


6 表示方位的介词

7 on


9 Where’s the book? It’s in the box. Where’s the boy? He’s on the bed. Where’s the cat? It’s under the desk.

10 A: Where's the schoolbag? B: It’s on the table. Ask and answer

11 A: Where's the clock? B: It's on the desk. A: Where is the basketball? B: It's under the desk.

12 A: Where’s the cat? B: It’s on the table. A: Where are the chairs? B: They're under the table.

13 A: Where are the books? B: They're under the bed.

14 Where’s the baseball? It’s under the chair. Where are the bananas? They’re on the chair.

15 Where’s the dog? It’s on the sofa.

16 Where are the books? They’re in the bookcase. Where’s the clock? It’s in the bookcase.

17 Where’s the map? It’s in your grandparents’ room Where's his pencil box? It’s in his schoolbag. Where's your ruler? It's under the chair.- Where are my books? They’re on the sofa. Where’re their keys? They’re on the table.

18 Tom is behind the door. Those girls are near the window. The bank is in front of our school The desk is next to my bed. Miss Jin is in the middle of our classroom.

19 A: What's this ? B: It's a dog. A: Is it on the chair? B: Yes, it is. Look and say

20 A: Is this a basketball? B: No, it isn't. It's a baseball. A: Is it on the table? B: No, it isn't. It's under the table.

21 A: Are these your books? B: Yes, they are. A: Are they on your desk? B: No, they aren't. They're in my bookcase.

22 A: What are those? B: They're pencils. A: Are they on the desk? B: No, they aren't. They're in the schoolbag.

23 Pairwork Where's...? It's in/ on /under the...

24 Where are... ? They’re on / in /under the ….

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