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EU-Funds - Experiences from other countries Funds policies or another technicality.

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Presentation on theme: "EU-Funds - Experiences from other countries Funds policies or another technicality."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU-Funds - Experiences from other countries Funds policies or another technicality

2 Introduction Vision Policies Challenges

3 Vision Monet Method Multidimensionality, Partnership, Participation, Empowerment Innovation, Exchange, Visibility

4 A Structural Problem Characteristics of the funds: between merging and floating Finding a balance or marking the differences

5 Funds and EUrope The Working of the Funds And how it fits into the overall framework of the EU

6 Policies The contradiction: Economic and social dimension The dilemma: the economic costs of the social and the social requirements of the economy The complement: social as productive factor or the economic as social factor

7 General Challenges industrial development intensification of exploitation demographic change

8 Specific Challenges structural unemployment changes in environmental conditions/protection generalised shifts in educational patterns and the mode of Bologna

9 Summary State what has been learned Define ways to apply training Request feedback of training session

10 Where to Get More Information Other training sessions List books, articles, electronic sources Consulting services, other sources

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