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Langston Hughes and the American Dream Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home.

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Presentation on theme: "Langston Hughes and the American Dream Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home."— Presentation transcript:

1 Langston Hughes and the American Dream Let America be America again. Let it be the dream it used to be. Let it be the pioneer on the plain Seeking a home where he himself is free. (America never was America to me.) 1.Why would Hughes have felt that “America never was America to me”? 2.What did Hughes think about the American dream?

2 HARLEM THE GREAT MIGRATION was the period before and after WWI when many African-Americans moved from the South to the North to work in the large factories in cities like New York, Chicago, and Detroit. Racism plagued African Americans in this time with “Jim Crow Laws.” Many lived in highly populated African American communities Harlem NY- Harlem became not only a center for African-American life, but the center of art, music, poetry, culture, rhythm and rhyme Jazz, Blues and African American Art were celebrated and spread all over the world during this renaissance.

3 HARLEM RENAISSANCE Complete the gallery walk with a partner. You will spend 1-2 minutes at each of the pictures.  Pay close attention to the painting’s details.  What do you see?  How is life depicted in Harlem?  What feelings do these paintings evoke?  Listen to the music as you walk; what makes it catchy? How do you think people would of reacted listening to these songs? ADkXNS4wU_f3oSvcmfciApmqVd ADkXNS4wU_f3oSvcmfciApmqVd

4 “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” Hughes P.882 Who is the speaker of the poem? What figurative language does he use? Who does the poet use parallel structure? What does that parallelism emphasize? Identify where the poet uses imagery. What senses does that imagery relate to? Using all this information, create a SEE that answers the following question: What techniques does the speaker use to show his connection to history?

5 “If We Must Die” Claude McKay pg. 890 1. What is the effect of the simile in the first line? 2. Who are the “accursed lot”? Why are they strongly disliked (accursed means to have a curse placed on you or to be strongly disliked (as if you were cursed)? 3. How would they have died in “vain”? 4. How does the speaker characterize his assailants? 5. How does the speaker take the simile in the first line and change it by the end of the poem? 6. Who is the speaker? 7. What is the tone of the poem?

6 CLOSURE Review Harlem Renaissance and it’s impact on society, pop culture, and the Jazz Age!

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