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1 Sample Presentation Movies (avi, gif) of the mercury jet under impact of a proton beam A.Fabich, CERN August 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Sample Presentation Movies (avi, gif) of the mercury jet under impact of a proton beam A.Fabich, CERN August 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Sample Presentation Movies (avi, gif) of the mercury jet under impact of a proton beam A.Fabich, CERN August 2004

2 2 GIF version, slow motion Next two slides belong together –As gif animation starts automatically, a slide is inserted before showing only the first frame Animation loops

3 3 Proton beam on mercury Jet BNL AGS Proton beam Hg jet v=2 m/s 1 cm Recorded at 4kHz Replay at 20 Hz

4 4 Proton beam on mercury Jet Splash velocity max. 50 m/s BNL AGS Proton beam Hg jet v=2 m/s 1 cm Recorded at 4kHz Replay at 20 Hz

5 5 GIF version, fast motion Next two slides belong together –As gif animation starts automatically, a slide is inserted before showing only the first frame Animation loops

6 6 Proton beam on mercury Jet BNL AGS Proton beam Hg jet v=2 m/s 1 cm

7 7 Proton beam on mercury Jet Splash velocity max. 50 m/s BNL AGS Proton beam Hg jet v=2 m/s 1 cm

8 8 AVI version, slow motion The movie starts on mouse-click Does not loop, click again for playing –or tick Option “Loop until stopped” in the movie options.

9 9 Proton beam on mercury Jet BNL AGS Proton beam Hg jet v=2 m/s 1 cm Recorded at 4kHz Replay at 20 Hz

10 10 AVI version, fast motion The movie starts on mouse-click Does loop, –or untick Option “Loop until stopped” in the movie options.

11 11 Proton beam on mercury Jet BNL AGS Proton beam Hg jet v=2 m/s 1 cm

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