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Quality management systems – Requirements 5Leadership 5.1Leadership and commitment 5.2Policy 5.3Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality management systems – Requirements 5Leadership 5.1Leadership and commitment 5.2Policy 5.3Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality management systems – Requirements 5Leadership 5.1Leadership and commitment 5.2Policy 5.3Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities

2 Steve Jobs What we didn't realize then was that the integrated circuit would reduce the cost of electronic functions by a factor of a million to one. Nothing had ever done that for anything before. “The worker is not the problem. The problem is at the top! Management!” W. Edwards Deming “The world is endless, the universe inexhaustible, and the human brain will never be threatened with unemployment.” Genrich Altshuller, author of TRIZ Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats My experience has been that creating compelling new technology is so much harder than you think it will be that you're almost dead when you get to the other shore. Jack Kilby inventor of IC

3 SWOT-analysis on the basis of TRIZ Useful function Harmful function Causes useful function Causes harmful function Prevents harmful function Prevents useful function TRIZ tools will be used for building a model of a situation in order to identify contradictions or opportunities for improvement. The following symbols will be used to draw a map od a problem:

4 Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths

5 Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections. Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths

6 Threats Implementation of innovation is always risky. Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections.

7 Opportunities Innovation in products, services, processes, systems, business models, concepts... Threats Implementation of innovation is always risky. Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections.

8 Knowledge of TRIZ, technology and the laws of the market creates opportunities. Opportunities Innovation in products, services, processes, systems, business models, concepts... Threats Implementation of innovation is always risky. Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections.

9 Knowledge of TRIZ, technology and the laws of the market creates opportunities. Lack of knowledge leads to danger Opportunities Innovation in products, services, processes, systems, business models, concepts... Threats Implementation of innovation is always risky. Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections.

10 Unsuccessful implementation destroys opportunities Opportunities Innovation in products, services, processes, systems, business models, concepts... Threats Implementation of innovation is always risky. Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections. Lack of knowledge is blocking opportunities Knowledge of TRIZ, technology and the laws of the market creates opportunities. Lack of knowledge leads to danger

11 Knowledge of TRIZ, technology and market laws eliminates the disadvantages Lack of knowledge leads to danger Unsuccessful implementation destroys opportunities Opportunities Innovation in products, services, processes, systems, business models, concepts... Threats Implementation of innovation is always risky. Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections. Lack of knowledge is blocking opportunities Knowledge of TRIZ, technology and the laws of the market creates opportunities.

12 TRIZ×QMS Application The team shall at first consider all 10 proposed inventive principles to select the most appropriate ones for solution and if necessary the rest of 40 inventive principles.

13 The Cause and effect analysis Weaknesses Man Machine Material Method Missing or wrong information Late/missing data Missing external information Incompetent personnel People unwilling to learn Culture Tacit knowledge not captured Paper based file system No data mining SW Paper data sheets in binders in central library Search not unified Causes Effect The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections.

14 The Cause and effect analysis Weaknesses Man Incompetent personnel People unwilling to learn Culture The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections.

15 The Cause and effect analysis Weaknesses Machine The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections. Paper based file system No data mining SW Tacit knowledge not captured

16 The Cause and effect analysis Weaknesses Method Paper data sheets in binders in central library Search not unified The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections.

17 The Cause and effect analysis Weaknesses Material The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections. Missing or wrong information Missing external information Late/missing/ wrong data

18 TRIZ×QMS Application The team shall examine the system functions and costs. Where possible harmful functions should be removed and costs minimized. This is TRIMMING, representing TRIZ lean approach. TRIMMING = removing harmful functions or non value adding activities and costs from the system I = ∑ F useful ∑ F harmful + ∑ Costs

19 Knowledge of TRIZ, technology and market laws eliminates the disadvantages Lack of knowledge leads to danger Unsuccessful implementation destroys opportunities Opportunities Innovation in products, services, processes, systems, business models, concepts... Threats Implementation of innovation is always risky. Obstaja metodologija, ki omogoča poiskati rešitve - TRIZ. PREDNOSTI Knowledge of TRIZ methods allows us to find solutions to complex problems. Strengths Weaknesses The management does not have the relevant knowledge and connections. Lack of knowledge is blocking opportunities Knowledge of TRIZ, technology and the laws of the market creates opportunities. Eliminate or reduce Find a way to eliminate, reduce, or prevent Strengthen Find a way to protect Find a way to obtain additional

20 The Quality Policy Design better products/services Improve QMS Increase margins Keep customers Set up competitive prices Get new customers Get better suppliers Increase profits Increase customer satisfaction/loyalty Reduce costs Increase employee satisfaction Internal External Attack Defense Key: QP – Quality Policy Elements Determine inventive principles

21 Example Design better products/services Improve QMS Increase margins Keep customers Set up competitive prices Get new customers Get better suppliers Increase profits Increase customer satisfaction/loyalty Reduce costs Increase employee satisfaction Internal External Attack Defense Why are customers leaving us? 1 % because they die, 3 % because of relocation, 9 % because competition has better service, 68 % because of bad service. Ref.: Miller Business Systems What to do? Improve quality of our services! Analyze customer complaints Analyze customer requirements, needs and expectations. Develop improved service eliminating effects causing complaints and costs and introducing functions generating required effects

22 Improve quality of our services! Analyze customer complaints Analyze customer requirements, needs and expectations. Example cont. Slow service…. It takes too long to serve food … Prices are higher than competitors … Food must not be too hot or too cold and should keep color, flavor, texture, size, shape, appearance How to improve efficiency and ideality Team shall consider each of inventive principles listed above as a resource for developing a better service.

23 Brainstorming for solution We could improve service dynamics by introducing waiters on roller skates. Disposable dishware could simplify serving process. Self service would eliminate waiters. Eliminating waiters will reduce costs and waiting times for food servicing. I = ∑ F useful ∑ F harmful + ∑ Costs We have to improve ideality of service Idea trigger

24 Two possible solutions Reference: belt.html Reference: Both solutions eliminate the need for waiters to serve customers and reduces the waiting time for the customers to be served.

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