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Safe and Supportive School Success Stories.  2010, WI DPI received a grant from Dept. of Ed.’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools  $14 million over.

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Presentation on theme: "Safe and Supportive School Success Stories.  2010, WI DPI received a grant from Dept. of Ed.’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools  $14 million over."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe and Supportive School Success Stories

2  2010, WI DPI received a grant from Dept. of Ed.’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools  $14 million over 4 years  Worked with 52 urban and rural high schools across the state to improve suspensions/expulsions and student perceptions (YRBS)  Created ISBSE – Index of Student Behavior and School Environment

3  Improve School Safety  Improve School Environment  Improve School Engagement  Make Data Driven Decisions

4  87% of the participating schools improved their ISBSE (suspension/expulsions and student perceptions)  46% of the schools had fewer suspensions/expulsions

5  Improve policy and procedures ◦ “Zero Tolerance Policy” ◦ Reduce violence, harassment, and bullying ◦ Reduce suspension/expulsion ◦ Improve learning

6  Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)  Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT)  Restorative Practices

7  Engage Freshmen in transition and supports  Classroom Organization and Management Program (COMP)  Student Engagement/Leadership/Mentoring  Collaboration and Cultural Competency

8  Index of Student Behavior and School Environment ◦ Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) ◦ Suspension/Expulsion

9 To improve school climate and discipline: (1) Create positive climates and focus on prevention; (2) Develop clear, appropriate, and consistent expectations and consequences to address disruptive student behaviors; and (3) Ensure fairness, equity, and continuous improvement. Guiding Principles: A Resource Guide for Improving School Climate and Discipline, US Department of Education, 2014.

10  Bayfield High School – Sandy Raspotnik  Madison LaFollette High School – Lonna Stoltzfus  Superior High School – Steve Olson


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