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Session Three Søren Hattesen Balle English Department of Culture and Identity.

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1 Session Three Søren Hattesen Balle English Department of Culture and Identity

2  Introduction: the summary assignment for today and next time  Introduction: today’s session  Presentation:  figurative language  defamiliarization  Romanticism, Victorianism, Late Modernism  Class room discussion:  William Wordsworth, ”Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” (1802/1807); Thomas Hardy, ”The Darkling Thrush” (1900, 1901); Craig Raine, ”A Martian Sends a Postcard Home” (1979)  The use of figurative language and the role and function of defamiliarization in the three poems

3  Summing up on figurative language in poetry:  genre-constitutive (vs. genre-specific)  poetic language (vs. ’ordinary’ language)  figurative language (vs. ’literal’ language) (cf. F. Nietzsche: ”What, then, is truth? A mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, and anthropomorphisms [..]: truths are illusions about which one has forgotten that this is what they are; metaphors which are worn out and without sensuous power; coins which have lost their pictures and now matter only as metal, no longer as coins”)  essential (vs. historical)  figure (vs. imagery)  trope/figure of thought (vs. rhetorical figure/figure of speech/scheme)

4  The function and effect of figurative language in literary and poetic texts:  ornamental/decorative, abusive/seductive, (de)constructive/(de)mystifying/(de)familiarizing  the inextricable relation between figures, images and meaning in poetic texts  cf. imagery ”as a major factor in poetic meaning, structure, and effect” (Abrams & Harpham)  image motifs, image clusters, thematic imagery (cf. ’falling’ and ’death’ in J. Joyce, ”The Dead”)  image vs. symbol vs. emblem (cf. W. Blake, ”A Poison Tree” and E. Morgan  figures and images as means of making the abstract concrete (cf. The Petrarchan conceit and W. Shakespeare’s demythologizing of Petrarchan poetic imagery)  figures and images as means of ’(de)familiarizing’ (V. Shklovsky) our world: re-figuration of the world; to see the world figuratively is to ’see things’ (cf. Wordsworth, ”Tintern Abbey” and R. Ellison, Invisible Man )  The self-reflexivity and critique of figurative language (cf. E. Dickinson, ”A Bird came down the Walk” and R. Ellison, Invisible Man ): (de)constructive of the illusion of reference+(re)figuring of racist metaphors/synecdoches )

5  Types of figurative language  (dead) metaphor/(epic) simile (a ’is’ (’like’ or ’as’) b)  mixed metaphor  metonymy (a ’is associated with’ b)  synecdoche (a ’is part of’ b)  anthropomorphism/prosopopoeia (personification)  paranomasia (pun)  chiasmus (syntactic inversion)  synaesthesia (fusion of different sense impressions)  apostrophe (address to an inanimate or non-human entity)  anaphora (repetition of word or phrase at the beginning of a sequence of sentences)  rhetorical question (a question asked not to request information; the answer is self-evident)

6  Romanticism, Victorianism, Late Modernism  Romanticism: faith in the power of the imagination and figurative language to transform and humanize the outside world (Greenblatt, p. 11)  Victorianism: belatedness and distance in relation to the Romantic confidence in the power of the imagination (Greenblatt, p. 996)  Late Modernism/’the Martian School’: the eye/’I’ ”sees the world with the freshness of a child or a painter or a visitor from Mars and records what it sees with an often exubererant wit”(Abrams/Greenblatt, p. 1903) → fidelity to experience and the everyday world

7  William Wordsworth, ”Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802” (1802/1807); Thomas Hardy, ”The Darkling Thrush” (1900, 1901); Craig Raine, ”A Martian Sends a Postcard Home” (1979)  compare the textual media which the reader is invited to think the three poems are representations of. Does it make any difference to our reading of the poems that Wordsworth’s poem is meant to be read as a poem, and a sonnet at that, just as Hardy’s poem is, while Raine’s is presented as a postcard from a Martian visiting the earth?  compare the speakers of the three poems  what creates strangeness in the three poems?  compare the figurative and rhetorical devices the poems use as means of defamiliarization  compare the effect each poem means to achieve by its use of defamiliarizing strategies  can you translate the figurative terms of “A Martian Sends a Postcard Home” into literal terms? did you find the work of translation difficult or easy? Depending on your answer, state your reasons why.  outline a poetics for each poem

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