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INTERGEN project INTERGEN P r o g r e s s R e p o r t April to June 2009 DBSV.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERGEN project INTERGEN P r o g r e s s R e p o r t April to June 2009 DBSV."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERGEN project INTERGEN P r o g r e s s R e p o r t April to June 2009 DBSV

2 INTERGEN project Contents DBSV Action Plan Profile of participants Tools and ressources Areas for knowledge transfer Documentation Evaluation Results Recommendations

3 INTERGEN project DBSV Action Plan Venue of all three workshops BVN offices, Hannover, Lower Saxony April 24, 2009 Objectives: 1. to create a good working atmosphere 2. to define the needs and skills of elderly and young blind people 3. to determine areas for knowledge transfer 4. to set up good work teams consisting of two persons each May 22, 2009 Objectives: 1. exploring the ABCs of DAISY 2 getting to know the basics of daily living skills June 5, 2009 Objectives: 1. to consolidate the knowledge acquired by both groups 2. to enable both groups to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to the fullest possible maximum 3. to promote building bridges between both generations 4. to deliver a concrete input for the teaching device

4 INTERGEN project Profile of participants Age - young: 7 - elderly: 7 Types of visual impairment - blind people: 10 - partially sighted 4 Gender: - men: 6 - women: 8

5 INTERGEN project Group discussion: - impact of new technologies on participants lives - importance of learning DLS for independent living Needs survey: Questionnaire to explore needs and competences/skills - rating personal level of competence in various fields - rating personal need for receiving help in various fields Data collection sheet: - to register answers - used as basis for establishing lists 1. list of skills/competences 2. priority list of most urgent needs 3. areas for knowledge transfer Tools and Ressources

6 INTERGEN project Areas for knowledge transfer: Technologies DAISY players Mobile phones Internet services

7 INTERGEN project Areas for knowledge transfer: Practical DLS Pouring in liquids Measuring and weighing liquids and quantities Cutting food Arranging food on your plate Cleaning the house Maintaining order in your home office Maintaining order in the kitchen Choosing your clothes Handling notes and coins with ease and confidence Eating cake with fork and knife/spoon

8 INTERGEN project Documentation INTERGEN reports: - REPWS 1 submitted - REPWS2 / REPWS3 to be delivered Hand-outs: - compilation of practical DAISY exercises - compilation of DLS exercises Photos Audio recording Interviews with participants and project coordinator Feature for DBSV magazine „Die Gegenwart“ Website to be incoporated in the DBSV homepage

9 INTERGEN project Evaluation General assessment of the INTERGEN workshops Group-specific rating of individual sections of the INTERGEN workshops Assessment of the INTERGEN workshops in terms of suitability to promote intergenerational solidarity

10 INTERGEN project Results 1 General assessment: - the workshops were received very well: everybody enjoyed the activities and found them useful - knowledge transfer effected successfully in various areas: from the elderly to the young (DLS related tricks) and from the young to the elderly (DAISY) - great spirit of solidarity has been created; intergenerational bridges have been built; relationships between young and elderly people have been made that hopefully will be fostered - many said they will take the concept of INTERGEN project back home with them and will try to initiate similar activities in their own local groups.

11 INTERGEN project Results 2 Problems encountered: Matching of needs and skills difficult to achieve: - some elderly blind people were fairly knowledgeable in terms of technology; - some young blind people knew all the tricks Time did not allow to deal with two or three more technologies. DBSV focused on DAISY

12 INTERGEN project Recommendations Ensure careful selection of participants Age groups should be wide apart to bring out a clear- cut difference regarding skills and DLS Give participants enough time to learn Ensure people of the same age group have roughly the same level of knowledge or skills

13 INTERGEN project …and finally.. Thank you very much for your attention! I am looking forward to taking your questions.

14 INTERGEN project Contact Details Hans Kaltwasser International Relations Officer (IRO) Deutscher Blinden- und Sehbehindertenverband e.V. Rungestr. 19 10179 Berlin Germany Tel.: 0049 30 28 53 87-120 Fax: 0049 30 28 53 87-20 Email:

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