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All Organization Meeting: September 22, 2015. HOMECOMING BASICS  October 4, 2014 – October 10, 2015  Homecoming

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Presentation on theme: "All Organization Meeting: September 22, 2015. HOMECOMING BASICS  October 4, 2014 – October 10, 2015  Homecoming"— Presentation transcript:

1 All Organization Meeting: September 22, 2015

2 HOMECOMING BASICS  October 4, 2014 – October 10, 2015  Homecoming email:  Website:  Chairs:  Alex Savala,  Shari Fieser,

3 SEPTEMBER DUE DATES  Tuesday, September 22  Parade float designs due at Liaison meeting or emailed to  Friday, September 25  Lip Sync Final Drafts of CDs and Lighting Specifications due to the CSI Office by 5PM  Sunday, September 27  Lip Sync Final Rosters and Run Through Absences due to Kevin & Amanda via email by noon  Monday, September 28  Apparel Tables Open  Movie Theatre Voucher Sale Begins  Registration for Parade due online at  Banner Designs due to CSI or emailed to  Tuesday, September 29  Homecoming Court Videos due to

4 PRE-WEEK EVENTS  September 28-October 2: Movie Voucher Philanthropy Event at the Homecoming Table  Monday, September 28: Table on the Quad  Tuesday, Sept. 29-Oct.2: Table outside the SUB  September 29: Lip Sync Run-Through  October 3, 4-6PM: Leisure World Philanthropy Event Additional fundraising events! Getting your team excited (like Tina & this guy)!

5 PHILANTHROPY Be sure to send your proposals for fundraising ideas to

6 UPDATES/CLARIFICATIONS  Lip Sync Tickets on sale starting October 5th  At the table: $5  Day of: $7  We have gifts for you!  Buckets  Poles  Apparel next week  Will receive email when ready for pick-up  Points per day/event  Banner  Spirit  Apparel Table on Monday, Sept. 29 is on the Quad

7 QUESTIONS?  No next meeting   Always available to answer questions via email

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