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Chapter 8 Test Review Multiplying Monomials Dividing Monomials Scientific Notation PolynomialsMultiplying Polynomials Solving for a Variable 200 400 600.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 8 Test Review Multiplying Monomials Dividing Monomials Scientific Notation PolynomialsMultiplying Polynomials Solving for a Variable 200 400 600."— Presentation transcript:


2 Chapter 8 Test Review Multiplying Monomials Dividing Monomials Scientific Notation PolynomialsMultiplying Polynomials Solving for a Variable 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Final Jeopardy

3 Multiplying Monomials: 200 Question 3y 4 · y 2 Answer 3y 6 REMEMBER! When you multiply monomials you add the exponents. 1

4 Multiplying Monomials: 400 Question (8x 2 y 4 )(-3xy 3 ) Answer -24x 3 y 7 2

5 Multiplying Monomials: 600 Question (x 6 y 5 ) 3 Answer x 18 y 15 REMEMBER! When there is a power to a power you multiply the exponents. 3

6 Multiplying Monomials: 800 Question 2a 2 n 6 + 2(a 2 n) 5 + 2(an 3 ) 2 Answer 4a 2 n 6 + 2a 10 n 5 REMEMBER! You can only add like terms (same variables and exponents). 4

7 Dividing Monomials: 200 Question x5y3x5y3 x2yx2y Answer x3y2x3y2 REMEMBER! When you divide monomials you subtract the exponents. 5

8 Dividing Monomials: 400 Question 25r 2 s -4 5r -1 s 3 Answer 5r 3 s7s7 REMEMBER! The variable will end up where (the numerator or denominator) the lesser exponent is in the original problem. 6

9 Dividing Monomials: 600 Question (-4x 3 y 3 ) 2 (2x 2 y) 4 Answer y2y2 x2x2 7

10 Scientific Notation: 200 Question Change 0.0000123 to scientific notation form Answer 1.23 X 10 -5 8

11 Scientific Notation: 400 Question Change 1.23 X 10 7 to standard form Answer 12,300,000 9

12 Scientific Notation: 600 Question (5.3 X 10 2 )(4.1 X 10 5 ) Answer 2.17 X 10 8 REMEMBER! The base must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10. 10

13 Scientific Notation: 800 Question The radius of Earth is approximately 3.61 X 10 8 inches. The radius of the sun is approximately 3.84 X 10 10. How many times greater is the radius of the Earth? Answer 1.06 X 10 2 11

14 Polynomials: 200 Question Find the degree of the polynomials 10x 3 y 2 – 3x 9 x + 5y 4 + 2x 2 Answer 10 12

15 Polynomials: 400 Question Arrange the terms in descending order 4x 3 y + 3xy 4 – x 2 y 3 + 5 Answer 4x 3 y– x 2 y 3 + 3xy 4 + 5 13

16 Polynomials: 600 Question (4x + 5xy + 3y) - (4y + 6x + 8xy) Answer -2x – 3xy – y REMEMBER! Distribute the subtraction sign to ALL terms in the following parenthesis. 14

17 Polynomials: 800 Question (4x 2 + 5xy + 3y 2 ) + (6x 2 – 8xy + 3y 2 ) Answer 10x 2 – 3xy + 6y 2 REMEMBER! You can only add like terms (same variables and exponents). 15

18 Polynomials: 1000 Question (x 2 + 7y) - (3x 2 + 5y) Answer -2x 2 + 2y 16

19 Multiplying Polynomials: 200 Question 4h 2 k 3 (3h 3 k 2 – h 2 k 4 + 5h 3 k 3 ) Answer 12h 5 k 5 – 4h 4 k 7 + 20h 5 k 6 17

20 Multiplying Polynomials: 400 Question (3x 2 + y 2 )(3x 2 – 3y 2 ) Answer 9x 4 – 6x 2 y 2 – 3y 4 18

21 Multiplying Polynomials: 600 Question (2s + 4)(3s 2 – 7s + 5) Answer 6s 3 – 3s 2 – 18s + 20 19

22 Multiplying Polynomials: 800 Question (6c – 5) 2 Answer 36c 2 – 60c + 25 20

23 Multiplying Polynomials: 1000 Question (6a – 2b)(6a + 2b) Answer 36a 2 – 4b 2 21

24 Question (5n + 2) 2 Answer 25n 2 + 20n + 4 Multiplying Polynomials: 1200 22

25 Question 2(5a – 12) = -6(2a – 3) + 2 Answer a = 2 Solving for a Variable: 200 23

26 Question 12w + 14 = 13 + 7(8w – 3) Answer w = 1/2 Solving for a Variable: 400 24

27 Final Jeopardy Question The length of a rectangular garden is 6 feet longer than it is wide. The Garden is surrounded by a 3 foot sidewalk. The sidewalk has an area of 216. Find the dimensions of the garden. Answer w = 12 ftl = 18 ft Each team must bet a portion or all of their points. The bet will be written on the board. Each team will answer the final Jeopardy question on a separate piece of paper. The paper will be handed into a teacher. If the team gets the question correct then the amount of points they bet will be added to their score. If the team gets the question wrong then the amount of points they bet will be taken away from their score. 25

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