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THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Questions that cannot be ADEQUATELY answered without this lesson: 1.Who caused God to be there? 2.How old is God ? 3.Where is God?

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Presentation on theme: "THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Questions that cannot be ADEQUATELY answered without this lesson: 1.Who caused God to be there? 2.How old is God ? 3.Where is God?"— Presentation transcript:

1 THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD Questions that cannot be ADEQUATELY answered without this lesson: 1.Who caused God to be there? 2.How old is God ? 3.Where is God? 4.When did He start to be there? 5.What is God really like? This lesson briefly answers such QUESTIONS.

2 What is an attribute? An attribute is a quality by which something is. e.g., Darkness is an attribute of NIGHT. WHAT ARE THE (10) ATTRIBUTES OF GOD? 1. DIVINITY ( not made of chemicals, material, or flesh. He is a Spirit Being). John 4: 24, 1:18 (He sees, but we cant see Him). 2. ETERNITY ( He has no beginning & His existence never ends) Psalm 90:2, Revelation 1:8 (At some point you were begun, but HE is from past everlasting to everlasting in existence)

3 Attributes of God… 3. IMMUTABILITY (He is unchanging in his nature of being). (He is totally reliable & trustworthy in His dealings with us) Malachi 3:6, Numbers 23:19 4. JUST (He acts without favoritism toward us) Psalm 18:30, Deuteronomy 32:4 5. OMNIPOTENCE (The word IMPOSSIBLE does not exist in His vocabulary) (Nothing in the universe is NOT within His reach) Jeremiah 32:17, 27, Revelation 19:6

4 Continued – Attributes of the ONE true GOD 6. SOVEREIGNITY ( Nothing can thwart his purposes. He is ABOVE all things) Psalm 95:3 (He can’t fail TO DO anything anywhere) 7. OMNIPRESENCE ( God is in ALL places at the same time) (He is everywhere present) Jeremiah 23:23-24, Psalm 139:7-13 8. HOLINESS ( He is a BEING separated from ALL moral defilement) (He is hostile to ALL evil) Isaiah 6:3, Leviticus 19:2, Matt. 5:48

5 Attributes of the Divine Being … 9. OMNISCIENCE ( He has unlimited knowledge) Psalm 139: 1-4, 1 John 3:20 (Knows every angle and creature in the universe TOTALLY.) 10. TRANSCENDENCY ( He is exceedingly far above ALL creation. (God is GREATER than the universe and is INDEPENDENT of it) Jeremiah 32:27 Conclusion: (1) God is a self-existing, uncaused, invisible, holy and omnipresent DIVINE BEING! (2) Do we think we can SIN and HIDE from such a Supernatural Being ?

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