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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Jochem Fall 2011 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY –CHAPTER ONE."— Presentation transcript:


2 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY LIKE TO YOU? What do YOU think about when you hear the word Psychology? What parts of the field draw you the most right now?

3 WHAT IS PSYCHOLOGY? Definition: It is the SCIENTIFIC study of Behavior and the Mental Processes BREAK DOWN- What does it mean to be scientific? What is behavior? Describe it. What is a mental process? Describe it. It involves BOTH animals and humans- Why? What can we learn about both? What can be shared?

4 ITS ALL GREEK TO ME! Psychology can be broken down into two parts: Psyche -which is the human mind (behavior and thought) Ology -the study of

5 PSYCHOLOGY AND THE SOCIAL STUDIES Economics-it was established during the Renaissance Times and evolved through the ideas of Adam Smith History-is the 2 nd oldest-it was established during the Greek Time in history (during the classical period)-Herodotus was the “Father of History” Political Science-is the oldest, and the study of it as a discipline started with the Greeks. Who should rule? And How they should rule? Have been questions since the start of human civilization. Psychology-is the newest! It is only about 100 years old. Sociology-is the 2 nd newest and started in the early 1800’s

6 YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH PSYCHOLOGY You are all psychologists You even form theories about behavior You use data, but probably not systematically

7 THE GOALS OF PSYCHOLOGY There are FOUR Goals of Psychology : 1. Description: What is Happening?-involves observing a behavior and noting everything about it. What is going on is most important. 2. Explanation: When one is looking for an explanation why something is happening and why someone is behaving in a certain manner. This is important for establishing theories - which is a general explanation of a set of observations or facts. 3. Prediction: When will it happen again?-predicting the future is the goal. Sometimes predicting the future allows for one to change or modify behavior. 4. Control- how can it be changed?-the goal is to change one variable and then observe the behavior of the subject(s) after the control has been established.

8 THE GOALS OF PSYCHOLOGY EXAMPLES In class, provide an example that can demonstrate the use of all four questions Description (what?) Explanation (why?) Prediction (When will?...) Control (How can?...)

9 THE ROOTS OF PSYCHOLOGY Name of Person Important Ideas, Observations, Theories ExamplesComparison (similarities and differences) to other ideas/concepts and people Aristotle/Plato/ Descartes Wilhelm Wundt Edward Titchener William James

10 THE ROOTS OF PSYCHOLOGY Gestalt Sigmund Freud John Watson Pavlov Mary Cover Jones

11 TYPES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFESSIONALS A psychiatrist -has a Medical Doctorate (M.D.) Degree who is specialized in the diagnoses and treatment of psychological disorders A psychoanalyst -is either a psychiatrist (M.D.) or a psychologists (Ph.D., Psy.D., or Ed.D.)-theories of psychoanalysis Psychiatric social worker -is trained in area of social work and usually have a Master of Social Work-they focus on the environment that impact mental disorders Psychologists -has no medical training but a doctorate with rigorous academic training and specialized training fields in one or more areas


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