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MUTATIONS Are they good or bad?.

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Presentation on theme: "MUTATIONS Are they good or bad?."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUTATIONS Are they good or bad?

2 Vocab you should know… Mutation: change in the nucleotide-base sequence of a gene or DNA molecule Deletion: loss of a part of DNA from a chromosome Inversion: reversal in the order of genes, or of a chromosome segment, w/in a chromosome

3 More vocab… Translocation: movement of a segment of DNA from one chromosome to another, which results in a change in the position of the segment Nondisjunction: failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis I or the failure of sister chromatids to separate during mitosis or meiosis II

4 Mutation basics Mutations are any change/“error” in DNA replication
DNA replication is very accurate The enzyme DNA polymerase “proofreads” the copied DNA & repairs most mutations Mutations can be harmful, beneficial or have no effect at all

5 More basics… Some mutations are caused by carcinogens
i.e. uv light, radiation, toxins Mutations that affect genes that control cell division lead to cancer b/c cancer is a tumor in which the cells begin dividing at an uncontrolled rate & become invasive (they spread out)

6 Germ-Cell Mutations Occur in the gametes
Don’t affect the organism itself Can be passed on to offspring during reproduction

7 Somatic-Cell Mutations
Occur in the body cells Can affect the organism i.e. cancers Cannot be inherited b/c they are not found in the gametes

8 Lethal Mutations Often cause death, often before the organism is born
Some can be beneficial – these are how natural selection occur (the organisms w/ beneficial mutations reproduce more often & spread that trait to their offspring)

9 Chromosome Mutations Deletion: loss of a piece of chromosome

10 Deletion Mutation – Rieger Syndrome

11 Chromosome Mutations Inversion: section of chromosome breaks off &
reattaches backwards

12 Inversion Mutation – Hunter Syndrome

13 Chromosome Mutations Translocation: piece of chromosome breaks off &
attaches to a nonhomologous chromosome

14 Chromosome Mutations Nondisjunction: chromosome fails to separate from its homologue during meiosis; resulting in one gamete receiving an extra copy of the chromosome (3 total) & another receiving none

15 Nondisjunction – Down Syndrome Trisomy 21

16 Down Syndrome cont’d

17 Mutation Quiz Any error in DNA replication is a/an _____.
What enzyme proofreads DNA & fixes most errors? What type of mutation occurs in gametes? Why are somatic-cell mutations not inheritable? A _______ mutation is when a chromosome losses a piece of itself.

18 Mutation Quiz Cont’d When part of a chromosome breaks off & reattaches backwards it is a ____ mutation. When a part of a chromosome breaks off & attaches to another chromosome it is a ______ mutation. When a chromosome fails to separate from its homologue it is a _______ mutation.

19 Mutation Quiz Cont’d During nondisjunction one cell receives ___ copies of the chromosome, while another cell receives __. 10. Draw one of the phases of mitosis & label it.

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