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M. Jane Markley RN, MEd, FACHE, PMP 23 April 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Jane Markley RN, MEd, FACHE, PMP 23 April 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Jane Markley RN, MEd, FACHE, PMP 23 April 2010

2  Into Military  Throughout Military Career  Out of Military to Corporate America  To “MY TIME” ◦ Attack the “bucket list” ◦ Consult ◦ Volunteer ◦ Write, etc, etc, etc,……………… 2

3  Student  Early careerist  Out of the work force ◦ Intentionally ◦ Unintentionally  Mid- careerist  Military  Senior careerist  Semi-retired  Changing Job  Changing Functions  Changing Industry  Changing Organizations  Changing Locations  Changing Cultures  Changing Mindset 3

4  Self Assessment  Identify IDEAL next position-develop vision  Gap Analysis and Preparation  Personal Marketing  Assess the Culture  Take the Leap! 4

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