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Presentation on theme: "10 PRINCIPLES IN COMMUNICATION THEORY"— Presentation transcript:

From Em Griffin, 7h ed.

2 1. MOTIVATION Communication is motivated by our basic social need for affiliation, achievement, and control, and our strong desire to reduce our uncertainty and anxiety. Social exchange theory; social penetraton;spiral of silence;constructivism; groupthink;critical theory of org; uncertainty reduction;agenda-setting;cognitive dissonance;

3 2. IDENTITY Communication affects and is affected by our sense of identity, which is strongly shaped within the context of our culture. Symbolic interactionism;cognitive dissonance;face negotiaton theory;

4 3. CREDIBILITY Our verbal and nonverbal messages are validated or discounted by others’ perception of our competence and character. Rhetoric of Aristotle;dramatism; SIP theory;expectancy violations;social judgment theory;ELM;

5 4. EXPECTATION What we expect to hear and see will affect our perception, interpretation, and response during an interaction. Expectancy violations theory;social exchange theory; uncertainty reduction theory; SIP; cultivation theory;spiral of silence;

6 5. AUDIENCE ADAPTATION By mindfully creating a person-centered message specific to the situation, we increase the possibility of achieving our communication goals. Constructivism; social judgment theory;ELM; expectancy violations;face negotiation;

7 6. SOCIAL CONSTRUCTION Persons-in-conversation co-construct their own social realities and are simultaneously shaped by the worlds they create. Coordinated management of meaning;critical theory of communication in org; symbolic interactionism;

8 7. SHARED MEANING Our communication is successful to the extent that we share a common interpretation of the signs we use. Cultural approach to orgs;speech codes; symbolic interactionism;CMM;critical theory of communicaton in orgs;semiotics;

9 8. NARRATIVE We respond favorably to stories and dramatic imagery with which we can identify. Narrative paradigm; CMM; cultivation theory;symbolic convergence theory;cultural approach to orgs; genderlect styles;

10 9. CONFLICT Unjust communication stifles needed conflict; healthy communication can make conflict productive. Critical theory of communication in orgs; cultural studies; interactional view; CMM; relational dialectics;

11 10. DIALOGUE Dialogue is transparent (open) conversation that often creates unanticipated relational outcomes due to parties’ profound respect for disparate voices. Relational dialectics; CMM; phenomenological;social penetration; genderlect; discourse ethics;critical theory of com in orgs;


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