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Global Communications GLS 310 Localization, Internationalization and Globalization.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Communications GLS 310 Localization, Internationalization and Globalization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Communications GLS 310 Localization, Internationalization and Globalization

2 Models of culture


4 (PDI=Power distance, IDV=Individualism, MAS=Masculinity, UAI=Uncertainty avoidance, LTO=Long-term orientation)

5 (PDI=Power distance, IDV=Individualism, MAS=Masculinity, UAI=Uncertainty avoidance, LTO=Long-term orientation)

6 (PDI=Power distance, IDV=Individualism, MAS=Masculinity, UAI=Uncertainty avoidance, LTO=Long-term orientation)

7 Localization Localization is the process of creating or adapting an information product for use in a specific target country or specific target market.

8 Localization Surface Unspoken rules Unconscious rules

9 Why localize? Localized products improve sales. Localized products overcome cultural differences. Localized products overcome inherent product resistance.

10 What are the problems with localization? Localization is expensive. Localization increases the time it takes for a product to be introduced in an international market. Localization introduces additional legal issues.

11 How it goes wrong… No localization Poor localization Cultural insensitivity

12 No localization First to market: too much of a rush to localize Not following regulations Branding doesn’t always translate

13 No localization

14 Poor localization The Intimidating Green Ogre I don’t want these, give me big shoes

15 Cultural insensitivity

16 Internationalization For larger projects, with many target audiences

17 Internationalization Internationalization is the process of re- engineering an information product so that it can be easily localized for export to any country in the world. An internationalized product consists of two components: core information and international variables.

18 Globalization Is it the next step?

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