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Do Now! 1. Identify Dr. Francis Townsend 2. Identify Huey “the kingfish” Long.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now! 1. Identify Dr. Francis Townsend 2. Identify Huey “the kingfish” Long."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now! 1. Identify Dr. Francis Townsend 2. Identify Huey “the kingfish” Long

2 Critique of the New Deal Chapter 22

3 Conservative critics (American Liberty League) – Complained that New Deal policies destroyed free- enterprise and were unconstitutional Are these justifiably challenges? Liberal critics (Dr. Francis E. Townsend) “Townsend Plan” – Say that New Deal did not go far enough – Wanted the government to give $200 a month to the elderly Eventually inspires FDR to come up with Social Security – Why might FDR be careful not to enact more radical changes? – Senator Huey Long and Share-Our-Wealth (home and income for all)

4 The Second New Deal Democrats win even more seats in congress in 1934 – More reforms (wages, hours, social security, public-works) Heavier focus on long term reform

5 Second New Deal continued… Works Progress Administration (WPA)—helps people find jobs – Bridges, airports, buildings are built/repaired What does this do for those people/the economy? Social Security Act—1935 – Unemployment pay – Pensions for retired workers over 65 (payroll tax on employers/employees) – Payments for people with disabilities (and Widows/children) How does this help people? How does it help the economy? Revenue Act—1935 (AKA Wealth Act)—taxes richest Americans

6 Roosevelt vs. Supreme Court 1936—Roosevelt is re-elected (wins every state but Maine and Vermont) Six of the nine justices were over 70 years old – “Nine old men” “stuck in the horse and buggy” What does he mean by this? Would you agree? FDR wanted the power to replace all justices over 70 – Congress rejects—many see it as upsetting the balance of power However they begin to die/retire and by 1945 eight of nine are Roosevelt’s (only US president to serve more than 2 terms, serves 4, 1933-45)

7 Recession/Lasting Effects Wagner-Connery Act—ensured labor’s right to organize to better working conditions Roosevelt’s Recession—1936 (fixed by 1938) – People start to see less of a need for excessive government spending

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