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Objectives  Evaluate the 5 Characteristics of Absolutism  Define Divine Right.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives  Evaluate the 5 Characteristics of Absolutism  Define Divine Right."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives  Evaluate the 5 Characteristics of Absolutism  Define Divine Right

2 THE AGE OF ABSOLUTISM (1550-1800) Phillip II Louis XIV Peter the Great Elizabeth

3 BASIC BELIEFS  One ruler/one monarch should hold all the power within a country  Monarch is chosen by divine right God Selects him to be king, his representative on Earth God Selects him to be king, his representative on Earth  Took place in: Spain, France, Prussia, Russia, Austria Spain, France, Prussia, Russia, Austria

4 Please Excuse My Sister Catherine

5 Political  Ruler holds unlimited power  Individuals are subjects Owe loyalty and obedience Owe loyalty and obedience

6 Economic  Encourage Industry & Trade Strengthen country Strengthen country  Taxes

7 Military  Strong Powerful Army Deals with conflicts Deals with conflicts Puts down unrestPuts down unrest Conquers new territoryConquers new territory  Paid for by taxes

8 Social  Ruler dominates upper classes  Upper classes dominate lower classes  Ceremonies to celebrate his power

9 Cultural  Ruler dominates culture Promotes Art (patron) Promotes Art (patron) Censors it Censors it

10 Questions  Under the notes, write the answer to these 3 questions. What is the definition of Divine Right? What is the definition of Divine Right? What are the 5 different characteristics of absolutism and describe 2 of them. What are the 5 different characteristics of absolutism and describe 2 of them. Which characteristic of absolutism do you think is the most important (gave the ruler the most power) and why? Which characteristic of absolutism do you think is the most important (gave the ruler the most power) and why?

11 Can an Individual be a complete absolutist? Take one minute to think about it and write it down.

12 Phillip II of Spain

13 Rise to Power  Son of Charles V Charles splits Holy Roman Empire Charles splits Holy Roman Empire  Phillip II gets Spain Defends Catholicism Defends Catholicism Spanish Armada loses to ElizabethSpanish Armada loses to Elizabeth

14 At Empires Peak  Taking new land Portugal Portugal  Receiving gold from Americas  Large Army 50,000 Soldiers 50,000 Soldiers  Prosperous Nation

15 Empire Weakens Decline: Political and Economic Political: England defeats the Armada There were less able successors after Philip II Economic: 1. 1. Middle class was taxed 1. Nobles don’t pay taxes Inflation Rising population Declining silver value  Other Countries Buy from other countries Money goes elsewhere Goods Expensive Owe money

16 Reformation causes trouble  Dutch Revolt Why Why Raises TaxesRaises Taxes Crush ProtestantismCrush Protestantism Revolt Revolt 11 years of fighting11 years of fighting Declare IndependenceDeclare Independence Expulsion of Muslims and Jews = deprived the economy of many skilled artisans and merchants

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