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Faire causatif. The construction FAIRE (conjugated in any tense) + INFINITIVE is used to describe actions that people have done by someone else Compare:

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Presentation on theme: "Faire causatif. The construction FAIRE (conjugated in any tense) + INFINITIVE is used to describe actions that people have done by someone else Compare:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faire causatif

2 The construction FAIRE (conjugated in any tense) + INFINITIVE is used to describe actions that people have done by someone else Compare: 1)J’ai réparé ma voiture = I repaired my car 2)J’ai fait réparer ma voiture. = I had my car repaired (by someone else)

3 The reflexive construction SE FAIRE (conjugated in any tense) + INFINITIVE means that you are having something done for (or to) yourself Compare: 1)Il s’est coupé les cheveux = He cut his own hair 2)Il s’est fait couper les cheveux = He had his hair cut (by someone else)

4 The construction FAIRE + INFINITIVE (“faire causatif”) is often followed by a direct object (people or things) 1)J’ai fait réparer ma voiture. (what was repaired? my car  direct object) 2) J’ai fait pleurer mon ami. (who did I make cry? my friend  direct object)

5 The construction FAIRE + INFINITIVE (“faire causatif”) is often followed by a direct object AND an indirect object (à + person/people) 1)J’ai fait manger de la soupe à mes enfants. (I made my children eat some soup) 2) Le professeur fait travailler la grammaire à ses élèves. (The teacher makes his students work on grammar exercises)

6 When you replace these object pronouns they PRECEDE faire (they don’t go before the infinitive like usual) and there is NO agreement with preceding direct object pronouns. 1)J’ai fait réparer ma voiture.  Je l’ai fait réparer. (notice that faire does not agree with the preceding direct object even though it’s feminine) 2) Le professeur fait travailler la grammaire à ses élèves.  Le prof leur fait travailler la grammaire. (replacing just the indirect object pronoun)  Le prof la leur fait travailler. (replacing both)

7 1) La crise économique me rend triste. = The economic crisis makes me sad. 2)Les dettes rendent la vie difficile. = Debts make life difficult. FAIRE – used with verbs (to make someone DO something) RENDRE – used with adjectives FAIRE VS RENDRE

8 Faire causatif has some idiomatic uses that do not translate literally such as: 1) faire tomber = to drop 2) faire voir = to show 3) faire cuire = to cook

9 Traduisez ces phrases: 1. This movie makes me laugh. 2. The teacher makes the students study. 3. Your mom makes you do the dishes. 4. This book makes me sad.

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