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1.ÜNİTE 1.SORU  What is ________ name? My name is Burcu.  Her  B) your  C) his  D) my.

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Presentation on theme: "1.ÜNİTE 1.SORU  What is ________ name? My name is Burcu.  Her  B) your  C) his  D) my."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.ÜNİTE 1.SORU  What is ________ name? My name is Burcu.  Her  B) your  C) his  D) my

3 2. SORU  A:Are you tall? B: ________,  Yes, I am not  B) No, I am short  C) No, you aren’t tall  D) Yes, you are

4 3.soru  How is your father?  A) He is fine.  B) She is bad.  C) She is five.  D) He is forty years old.

5 4.soru  Where is Eray from?  A) He’s Turkish.  B) She’s Turkish.  C) She is from Aydın.  D) He’s from Afyon.

6 5.soru  (14:00). ________.  A) Good evening!  B) Good morning!  C) Good afternoon!  D) Good night!

7 2.iinite 1.soru  Are these bees and birds?  A) Yes, they are bees.  B) They are birds.  C) No, they are birds.  D) They are bees and birds.

8 2.soru ______ Jane like rock music? A)Do B) Are C) Does D) Is

9 3.soru  I like ______ to cinema.  A) go  B) goes  C) going  D) am going

10 4.soru  They ______ love poetry.  A) doesn't  B) isn't  C) don't  D) aren't

11 5.Soru  ______ you crazy about dogs?  A) Is  B) Do  C) Are  D) Does

12 3.ünite 1.soru  ________ are those boys in the garden?  A) Whose  B) Who  C) What  D) Where

13 2.soru  _________ a restaurant in the street  A) There are  B) There is  C) How many  D) How much

14 3.soru  She has got a ________ house  A) short  B) camera  C) tall  D) smal

15 4.soru  ________ car is in the street?  A) Who  B) Where  C) Whose  D) What

16 5.soru  This computer game isn’t good. It’s ________.  A) clean  B) dirty  C) handsome  D) bad

17 4.ünite 1.soru  I _________ five toys.  A) am  B) has got  C) have got  D) some

18 2.soru  There is _________ in your hand.  A) five eggs  B) some books  C) two tubes of toothpaste  D) a bunch of flowers

19 3.soru  There is a table _________ the armchairs.  A) between  B) on  C) some  D) any

20 4.soru  _________ there _________ books on the table?  A) Are/ some  B) Are/ any  C) Is/ any  D) Is/ some

21 5.soru  The children _________ two balls.  A) have got  B) has got  C) some  D) any

22 5.ünite 1.soru  1. ________ a cat climb the tree?  A) Is  B) Has  C) Can  D) Must

23 2.soru  We ________ park here ________ there isn’t a parking sign.  A) are / because  B) can’t / because  C) haven’t / because  D) aren’t / because

24 3.soru  A student ________ on schooldays  A) must / get up early  B) must / get up late  C) must / watch television  D) mustn’t / study English

25 4.soru ________ languages can you speak? A)How B) Who C) Whose D) How many

26 5.soru  I ________at the red light.  A) mustn’t wait  B) must talk loudly  C) must wait  D) must speak English


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