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Colonial America Chapter 3. What do you need in order to make a colony survive? Groups of 3 to 4 Make a list of as many things you would bring with you.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial America Chapter 3. What do you need in order to make a colony survive? Groups of 3 to 4 Make a list of as many things you would bring with you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial America Chapter 3

2 What do you need in order to make a colony survive? Groups of 3 to 4 Make a list of as many things you would bring with you to survive and become self- sufficient. Besides “things” what else should have in place? How many people, what types of people?


4 I.Early English Settlements A.England in America 1.England vs. Spain a.Trading rivalry and Religion make them dislike each other 1. Spain-Catholic English-Protestant 2. English adventures Sir Frances Drake attacks Spanish ships 3.English defeat Spanish Armada 4.YouTube - Storm SceneYouTube - Storm Scene


6 2. The Lost Colony of Roanoke a. English make several attempts to colonize America b. Sir Humphrey Gilbert 1. Claimed Newfoundland for Queen Elizabeth c. Sir Walter Raleigh 1. Founded the colony of Roanoke Island off of North Carolina




10 2. 1585---Raleigh sends 100 men to settle island 3. They leave and go back to England 4. Raleigh tries again a. 91 men,17 women,9 children b. Led by John White c. White’s daughter gives birth 1. First English Child Born in America a. Virginia Dare

11 5. White sailed to England for supplies and recruits 6. Could not get back for 3 years due to war with Spain 7. When he gets back— everything is gone!!!! 8. Only Clue is the word “Croatoan” carved in a gate post



14 B. Jamestown Settlement 1. Virginia Company seeks a Charter a. Right to Organize a settlement in an area 2. Joint-Stock Company a. Investors bought stock in the company in return for a share in the profits 3. Virginia Company was looking for Gold 4. Ships enter the Chesapeake Bay

15 5. Colonist name the river James and the colony Jamestown a. Built the colony on a Peninsula b. Easy to defend from attack c. Swampy Land d. Lacked good farmland 6. Colonist searched for Gold instead of growing food 7. Many died from disease and starvation

16 8. Captain John Smith a. Experienced explorer and soldier b. Forced settlers to work c. Got corn from Chief Powhatan d. 1609-1610 known as the “Starving Time” 9. Farming the Land a. John Rolfe learned to grow tobacco b. Tobacco makes colonist a lot of money!!!!!! $$$$$$ c. Rolfe married Pocahontas




20 d. 1614—Colonist allowed to rent land and make their own Profits!!! $$$$$ e. Virginia Company attracted new colonist by issuing a land grant called a Headright of 50 acres 10. Representative Government a. Colonist want a say in the government b. House of Burgesses meets for the first time in 1619

21 11. New Arrivals in Jamestown a. 90 Women arrive in 1619 b. Had to pay a fee of 120 pounds in tobacco to marry a women c. Dutch Ship brings the first African in 1619 d. William Tucker is the first African American born in America e. Slavery recognized in Virginia by 1660s

22 The Jamestown colonists called the winter of 1609-1610 A.The lavish time B.The starving time C.The good time D.The friendly time

23 English raider of Spanish ships A.Francis Drake B.John Smith C.Pocahontas D.John Rolfe

24 Which crop saved Jamestown A.tobacco B.corn C.rice D.indigo

25 Which of the following is an example of a joint stock company? A.The Roanoke Company B.The England Company C.The Drake Company D.The Virginia Company

26 The leader of Jamestown was John Rolfe A.True B.False

27 What cleared the way for England to start colonies in North America? A.Drake’s raid on Spain B.Drake’s knighthood C.Defeat of the Spanish Armada D.England declared war on Spain

28 Captain John Smith was married to Pocahontas A.True B.False

29 Sir Walter Raleigh’s settlement A.Jamestown B.Atlantic City C.Roanoke D.New York

30 The first African American child born in the American colonies was A.James Yeardley B.John Rolfe C.William Tucker D.John Smith


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