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A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS (Universal tools, designated supports, & accommodations) (R EQUIRED FOR DTC S, STC S, AND TA S )

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Presentation on theme: "A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS (Universal tools, designated supports, & accommodations) (R EQUIRED FOR DTC S, STC S, AND TA S )"— Presentation transcript:

1 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS (Universal tools, designated supports, & accommodations) (R EQUIRED FOR DTC S, STC S, AND TA S )

2 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS  Understand the purpose of the statewide assessment accessibility supports  Assigning Student Test Settings in TIDE  Knowledge of current updates to Student and Test Administrator Interfaces Big Picture Objectives

3 Preparing for the Statewide Assessments

4 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Practice Tests  Allow teachers, students, parents and other interested parties to experience a range of item types Smarter Balanced ELA and Math, as well as Performance Tasks)  Assist IEP/504 teams to determine which universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations are needed for each individual student to be successful on the assessments.  Please Note: New Practice tests will be available Oct. 20, 2015 at

5 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Calculator and Equation Editor Tutorials

6 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Calculators Scientific/Graphing/Regression Basic Scientific

7 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Equation Editor Tutorial

8 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Supports

9 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Oregon Accessibility Manual

10 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS  Know the differences between the following categories of accessibility supports as well as the specific supports that are available for each statewide assessment:  Universal Tools  Designated Supports  Accommodations Know the Options

11 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Figure 1: Conceptual Model Underlying the Oregon Accessibility Manual. Universal Tools Embedded Table 1SB Table 1OAKS Table 1ELPA21 Non-embedded Table 1SB Table 1OAKS Table 1XA Table 1KA Table 1ELPA21 Designated Supports Embedded Table 1SB Table 1OAKS Table 1ELPA21 Non-embedded Table 1SB Table 1OAKS Table 1XA Table 1KA Table 1ELPA21 Accommodations Embedded Table 1SB Table 1OAKS Table 1ELPA21 Non-embedded Table 1SB Table 1OAKS Table 1XA Table 1KA Table 1ELPA21

12 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS  Any practice or procedure that compromises the intent of the assessment through a change in the learning expectations, construct, or content that is to be measured, grade-level standard, or measured outcome of the assessment and is not listed in Oregon’s Accessibility Manual (OAM).  Please note: Assessments taken under any modified condition are counted as non-participants in all state and federal accountability measures and reports. Modification

13 TIDE Changes for the 2015-16 School Year

14 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Student Test Settings  To align the organization and terminology with the Oregon Accessibility Manual, the TIDE Student Settings screen has been updated and streamlined, including:  Student demographics and ethnicity fields have been removed  Settings are organized by category: Embedded Designated Supports, Embedded Accommodations, and Test Access  Non-embedded Designated Supports and the (Optional) Accommodation Code fields have been removed  Terminology of supports are aligned to the terminology in the Oregon Accessibility Manual  Student Settings upload template has been updated to align with the terminology in the Oregon Accessibility Manual

15 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS View/Edit Students in TIDE  All users can view student settings  Users can only update test settings if their role in TIDE permits  All settings except ELPA21 domain exemptions can be mass uploaded using a template provided through TIDE

16 Student Interface Changes for the 2015-16 School Year

17 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Updated Skin and Item Tools Menu Tools now available through menu icon rather than requiring right-click (see next slide for details) Navigation buttons now clear, allowing color contrast/overlay settings to apply

18 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Item Tools Menu  All tools now consolidated in a single location under an industry-standard menu button in the top right corner of the item.  Turning on this feature also turns on strikethrough mode which enables a student to quickly and easily strike multiple options without having to right click on each and every one.

19 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Scrubber for Embedded Audio  Enables a student to drag to the desired position in the audio for pre-recorded audio. ( Note : This is not available for text-to-speech)

20 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Text-to-Speech Settings  Allows the student to adjust the volume, rate (speed), and pitch for text-to-speech from inside the secure browser (Note: voice pack selection must still be done outside of the secure browser)

21 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Response Recovery  Enables a student to recover a previous draft from the current test session.  All drafts are ordered from most recent to oldest and grouped by sitting (each time the student logged in and tested) ( Note : available as a universal tool but may be turned off from the TA Interface)

22 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Paginated Item Groups*  Single item display within item groups  Students can navigate to individual items within an item group  Checkmarks show which items the student has answered  Enhanced security if pausing for 20+ minutes:  If student pauses for more than 20 minutes without having answered all items in the item group, answered items will be “locked down”  Students may still review but may not revise response to previously answered items in the item group * For all tests except Smarter Balanced Math PT

23 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Persisting Highlighting* *Highlighting will persist between segments on PTs and between testing sessions. *Highlighting will only persist if a student tests on the same operating system and platform.

24 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS Line Reader (OAKS & ELPA21) o The student is able to use this feature as a guide when reading text.

25 A CCESSIBILITY S UPPORTS  Oregon Test Administration Manual (required reading) and Webpage:  Oregon’s Statewide Assessment Accessibility Webpage & Manual (required reading):  Smarter Practice/Training Tests  Promising Practices: Online Resources

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