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JEOPARDY At GPA with your host 200 300 400 500 600 100 JEOPARDY! Unit 1 Research Methods Unit 2 Sensation & Perception Unit 3 Neuro- psychology Unit.

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2 JEOPARDY At GPA with your host

3 200 300 400 500 600 100 JEOPARDY! Unit 1 Research Methods Unit 2 Sensation & Perception Unit 3 Neuro- psychology Unit 4 Memory Unit 5 States of Consciousness

4 Research Methods 100 What are the advantages and disadvantages of case studies?

5 Research Methods 100 Advantages: - in-depth information Disadvantages: - Cannot be used for larger populations

6 Research Methods 200 What are the advantages and disadvantages of naturalistic observation?

7 Research Methods 200 Advantages: -Can observe in natural environment --Can observe what could not be ethically completed in an experiment Disadvantages: -It can be difficult to monitor/record all behaviors -Some behaviors are difficult to categorize

8 Research Methods 300 What are the four steps of the scientific method?

9 Research Methods 300 1.Hypothesis 2.Design study & collect data 3.Analyze and draw conclusions 4.Report out

10 Research Methods 400 What is the difference between the experimental method and descriptive method?

11 Research Methods 400 The experimental method examines how one variable impacts another. The descriptive method looks to explain and describe behavior.

12 Research Methods 500 Name the independent and dependent variable in the following experiment: Two groups of students will take the same test. One group of students will listen to music on head phones, the other will not be allowed to listen to music.

13 Research Methods 500 Independent = Music/no music Dependent = test scores

14 Research Methods 600 Is this an example of positive or negative correlation: According to research conducted on the student body at GPA, on average, the more motivated a student is to do well in class, the less they are absent from class.

15 Research Methods 600 Negative Correlation

16 Sensation & Perception 100 Our brain allows us to perceive our world as remaining constant, no matter what our perspective. What are the three types of constancy?

17 Sensation & Perception 100 Shape, size, brightness

18 Sensation & Perception 200 State the sensation theory that relates to the following scenario: You walk into an Italian restaurant and the smell of bread and pizzas overwhelms you. As you sit and eat your food, the smell begins to fade.

19 Sensation & Perception 200 Sensory Adaptation

20 Sensation & Perception 300 State the sensation theory that relates to the following scenario: You are playing in a state championship football game. You ignore the roaring crowd to listen to your quarterback call the play.

21 Sensation & Perception 300 Signal Detection Theory

22 Sensation & Perception 400 State the sensation theory that relates to the following scenario: One of your classmates always wears a strong perfume. You can always sense this person’s perfume when they first walk in the door of the classroom.

23 Sensation & Perception 400 Absolute Threshold

24 Sensation & Perception 500 Name the Gestalt theory these two images represent:

25 Sensation & Perception 500 Closure Continuity

26 Sensation & Perception 600 Name the Gestalt theory these two images represent:

27 Sensation & Perception 600 Similarity Proximity

28 Neuropsychology 100 What is the purpose or role of a neuron?

29 Neuropsychology100 To allow communication throughout the body and brain.

30 Neuropsychology 200 Label the parts of a neuron:

31 Neuropsychology 200 47. Dendrites 48. Axon terminals 49. Axon 50. Myelin sheath 51. Cell body 52. nucleus

32 Neuropsychology 300 How does communication occur between neurons?

33 Neuropsychology 300 Electronically or chemically through neurotransmitters.

34 Neuropsychology 400 List three characteristics of someone who is predominately “right brained”. List three characteristics of someone who is “left brained”.

35 Neuropsychology 400 Right Brain: -visual, focuses on patterns -Sees whole first, then details Left Brain: -verbal, focuses on words -Detail oriented

36 Neuropsychology 500 Does ineffective neural communication cause psychological disorders?

37 Neuropsychology 500 No, it is unclear if psychological disorders cause the problems in neurotransmitter communication or vice versa.

38 Neuropsychology 600 Why would someone who has had split brain surgery have trouble seeing this painting when flashed to the right side of their brain?

39 Neuropsychology 600 Only the left side of the brain is able to interpret faces. The individual would just see fruit.

40 Memory 100 What are the three types of memory?

41 Memory 100 Sensory, short-term, long-term memory

42 Memory 200 What is the difference between sensory, short-term, and long-term memory?

43 Memory 200 Sensory = last a few seconds, will not remember info unless we pay attention to surroundings Short term = active memory, where all thinking/problem solving is done Long term = can last a life time, memories go here when encoded

44 Memory 300 Long term memory is divided into two types: declarative (explicit) and nondeclarative (implicit): what is the difference?

45 Memory 300 Declarative = remembering with intention Nondeclarative = remembering without intention

46 Memory 400 Is memory like a video tape recorder? Explain.

47 Memory 400 No, memory is more like individual snapshots, our brain has to fill in the gaps.

48 Memory 500 In the 60 Minutes documentary – name two things the police have done differently to prevent distorting Jennifer’s memory.

49 Memory 500 1.Shown images individual 2.Shown images for a couple of seconds 3.No positive reinforcement of identification

50 Memory 600 In the 60 Minutes documentary – how did Jennifer experience source confusion AND confabulation?

51 Memory 600 Source confusion = remembering Ronald Cotton’s face from the photos/line-up, not the event Confabulation = remembering and dreaming the wrong man attacking her

52 States of Consciousness 100 According to Freud, what are the three levels of consciousness?

53 States of Consciousness 100 Conscious, preconscious, subconscious

54 States of Consciousness 200 What figure is generally used as an analogy to explain the levels of consciousness?

55 States of Consciousness 200 An iceberg

56 States of Consciousness 300 Explain the roles of the id, ego, and superego.

57 States of Consciousness 300 Id = run by the pleasure principle, immune to logic/reasoning, born with, unconscious Superego = tells you what is right and what is wrong, learned as a child from society, partly conscious Ego = mediates between id and superego, learned as a child, partly conscious

58 States of Consciousness 400 What is the purpose of defense mechanisms?

59 States of Consciousness 400 When the ego cannot mediate between the id and superego, defense mechanisms ease the stress/tension.

60 States of Consciousness 500 Name the 6 different defense mechanisms.

61 States of Consciousness 500 Repression, Projection, Displacement, Reaction Formation, Regression, Denial

62 States of Consciousness 600 What are the 5 theories of why people dream?

63 States of Consciousness 600 1.Evolution theory 2.Create wisdom 3.Defragmenting your hard drive 4.Psychotherapy 5.The absence of theory

64 Surprise Questions 100 250x 3 yz 4  10x 2 yz 2

65 Surprise Questions 100 25xz 2

66 Surprise Questions 200 - 27mn 3 o 5 p 2  - 9k 2 mno 8

67 Surprise Questions 200 3k -2 n 2 o -3 p 2

68 Surprise Questions 300 - 90a 5 b -2 cd 2  15a - 5 b 3 c -1 d 2

69 Surprise Questions 300 - 6a 10 b -5 c 2

70 Surprise Questions 400 1500r 3 s 2 tu 4 v  125x 3 yz 3

71 Surprise Questions 400 12r 3 s 2 tu 4 vx -3 y -1 z -3

72 Surprise Questions 500 39e -7 f  - 3d -3 e -4 f 2

73 Surprise Questions 500 - 13d 3 e -3 f -1

74 Surprise Questions 600 - 708p 2 q 2 rs  - 4p 3 q - 8 s 3

75 Surprise Questions 600 177p -1 q 10 rs -2

76 Daily Double! How much will you put on the line?

77 Daily Double! How much will you put on the line?


79 Daily Double Graphic and Sound Effect! §DO NOT DELETE THIS SLIDE! Deleting it may cause the game links to work improperly. This slide is hidden during the game, and WILL not appear. §In slide view mode, copy the above (red) graphic (click once to select; right click the border and choose “copy”). §Locate the answer slide which you want to be the daily double §Right-click and choose “paste”. If necessary, reposition the graphic so that it does not cover the answer text. Daily Double!!!

80 Click Once to Begin JEOPARDY! Template by Modified/Adapted by Bill Arcuri, WCSD Lora O’Neill

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