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Published byMarvin Cox Modified over 9 years ago
T T B E A R Purpose and Organization Elaboration DEVELOPING CONCLUSION
Why TBEAR? TBEAR is a paragraph writing strategy. TBEAR supports the 4 ELA Claims, aligned Targets and Standards. Standards and Targets St: W.1 W.2 W.3 W. Targets 1a,b, 2, 3a,b,4, 6a,b,7 Write a Brief Text Revise a Text Full-Write Writing Rubric Purpose and Organization Elaboration Task Models Questions and Prompts Full-Writes T Introduce and Identify Topic Identify Topic Sentence B Brief Explanation to Bridge to Evidence E Examples OF Evidence A Analyze why evidence works to support your claim or opinion. R Relate or Reflect DOK – 1 Concluding Statement DOK – 2 Summarize Key Points DOK - 3 Draw Conclusions (text to self) DOK - 4 Cite Evidence From Other Sources Connect text to text and text to world. INTRODUCTION T DEVELOPING CONCLUSION K. Hess 2012 TBEAR - Lesson Model by Susan Richmond 2015
Note: For Lesson, 1 white-out the title.
Teacher Key: T = Yellow - Part 1 Topic and T = Yellow - Part 2: Topic Sentence (Main Idea, Thesis) B = Blue – Bridge E = Green – Examples A = Gray - Analysis of Examples R = Red - Relating back to the topic (conclusion) Landslides When land moves quickly down a steep slope and carries a large amount of earth, mud, rock, and other materials with it - watch out! Landslides can be highly destructive. They can bury or sweep away everything in their path. Cars and trees are often swept away in landslides Landslides can even block rivers or cover entire towns When a landslide blocks a river it can cause flooding. The largest landslides can cover homes destroying property and lives I would not want to be in the way of a landslide! T B E A R K. Hess 2012 TBEAR - Lesson Model by Susan Richmond 2015
Landslides student copy
Name:_________________________ Landslides When land moves quickly down a steep slope and carries a large amount of earth, mud, rock, and other materials with it - watch out! Landslides can be highly destructive. They can bury or sweep away everything in their path. Cars and trees are often swept away in landslides. Landslides can even block rivers or cover entire towns. When a landslide blocks a river it can cause flooding. The largest landslides can cover homes destroying property and lives. I would not want to be in the way of a landslide! K. Hess 2012 TBEAR - Lesson Model by Susan Richmond 2015
T T READ 1 2 3 4 5 Topic Introduction Lesson 1 – Part 1 Record
SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Reporter Recall - Reproduce Note: White-Out the title of the TEXT! Text: Landslides Prompt: What is the topic of the text? The Introduction Lesson 1: DOK-1 T is for TOPIC What is a Topic? Student Objective/Assessment Criteria: I can identify the topic of a paragraph or a text. I can explain how I identified the topic of a paragraph or text. Know and New Examples 1 Before Reading Establish Background Knowledge QU: “What do you already know about landslides (the subject/theme)? List ideas on chart under the K of the What I Know and What is New two column chart. What I Know What is New K mud rain wet rocks lands on things dangerous N moves down a steep slope damages things blocks rivers cover homes flooding trees are swept away 2 Read 1: Set a Purpose for Reading – What is New? (choral read) Read the text chorally (without asking questions) to get the gist. QU: “What new facts or ideas did you learn about landslides?” List ideas on chart under the N of What is New (save chart for Lesson 2). 3 Read 2: Set a Purpose for Reading - Identify the Topic (teacher read) Teacher reads the text a second time while students circle again and again word clues that tell who or what the text is about (the subject of the text). 4 Revisit: Tally the Topic (again and again words) QU: “What words or phrases did you see again and again?” Write students’ circled words or phrases on the chart titled TOPIC. If a student says a word that is already listed, put a tally mark by it. QU: “Which words or phrases have the most tally marks? Are the other words on our chart about (word with most tallies) landslides?” Reveal the title of the passage to confirm the topic of the passage. TOPIC TALLY Examples of Again and Again Words destructive I swept II landslides IIII II damage IIII mud III hurt I rocks III Scaffold to Writing 5 TBEAR STUDENT RECORD NOTES QU: “What notes can we record next to Part 1 of T ?” Students may write on their own TBEAR Graphic Organizers the topic prompt response or you may do it as a class on a class TBEAR Graphic Organizer. Part I: Identify the Topic T Part 2: Identify the Main Idea (Topic Sentence) Part 1: Topic Landslides Part 2: Main Idea-Topic Sentence-Thesis Record Final Notes
T T READ 1 2 3 4 Main Idea Introduction Lesson 1 - Part 2 Record
Text: Landslides Prompt: What is the main idea of the text Landslides? The Introduction Lesson 1 – Part 2: DOK-1-2 T is for Topic Sentence (Main Idea or Thesis) T – Part 2: Student Objective/Assessment Criteria: I can identify the main idea of a text and explain how I identified the main idea. Know and New Examples 1 Quick Review: The Topic QU: “What was the topic of the text? How do we know?” QU: “What did we Know and what was New about the text?” What I Know What is New K mud rain wet N moves down a steep slope damages things 2 Introducing Topic Sentence (Main Idea/Thesis): The main idea of a text tells the reader what the author wants you to know most about the topic . “Let’s re-read our K and N words. We can use these words as clues to identify the Main Idea – what the author wants us to know MOST about our topic.” Activity: “Based on the K and N words, write a summary sentence with your partner (4-8 words) to explain what the author wants the readers to know MOST about Landslides.” (write a few sentences partners wrote on the board). Discuss ideas briefly. 3 Read 3: Set a Purpose for Reading –Main Idea and/or Topic Sentence - Partner Reading “Now we are going to re-read Landslides and look for a summary sentence that explains what the author wants the reader to know MOST about landslides. This is called a main idea. Sometimes the main idea of a text is summarized in a topic sentence. “Find and highlight (a form of note-taking) the author’s main idea of the text as you read with your partner. You can use the K and N words can help you find the main idea.” Discuss After Reading: QU: “What is the main idea of the text? Was there a topic sentence?” (Compare the answer students give, to their Summary Practice Sentences.) 4 TBEAR STUDENT RECORD NOTE QU: “What notes can we record next to part 2 of T ?” Students may write on their own TBEAR Graphic Organizers the topic prompt response or you may do it as a class on a class TBEAR Graphic Organizer. Part I: Identify the Topic T Part 2: Identify the Main Idea (Topic Sentence - Thesis) Part 1: Topic Landslides Part 2: Main Idea-Topic Sentence-Thesis Landslides can be highly destructive. SHOW ME TELL ME DOK-1 Reporter Recall - Reproduce Practice Summary Sentences Landslides are big. They move down fast. A landslide hurts things. Record Final Notes
B B READ 1 2 3 4 Bridge Introduction Lesson 2 Record Final Notes
Text: Landslides Prompt: How does the author describe landslides in a way that makes the reader want to read more? The Introduction Lesson 2: DOK-2 B is for a Brief Explanation of the Main Idea to Bridge to Examples B Student Objective/Assessment Criteria: I know how the author describes the topic to make the reader want to read more. 1 Quick Review: The Main Idea QU: “What was the Topic?” QU: “What was the Main Idea or Topic Sentence of the text? How do we know?” 2 Bridging to the Examples “Before the author gives examples to support the Main Idea or prove that “Landslides can be highly destructive,” the author interrupts the reader to describe the Topic in a way that makes the reader want to read more about WHY “Landslides can be highly destructive.” He/She may grab the reader’s attention with a “hook and/or gives background knowledge about the Topic.” 3 Read 4: Set a Purpose for Reading - Background Knowledge and Hook “Find and highlight (note-taking) the background knowledge the author uses to describe the Topic, that makes the reader want to read more about WHY landslides can be highly destructive.” Discuss After Reading: QU: “What background knowledge did the author use to describe the Topic? Did it make the reader want to read more about why landslides can be highly destructive? Was there a hook?” Scaffold to Writing 4 TBEAR STUDENT RECORD NOTES QU: “What notes can we record next to B ?” Students may write on their own TBEAR Graphic Organizers the topic prompt response or you may do it as a class on a class TBEAR Graphic Organizer. B B is for Brief Explanation of the Main Idea that Bridge to Examples Bridge – background knowledge about the topic connecting to the main idea. land moves quickly Watch out! (the hook!) steep slope large amount of earth, mud, rock, other materials Record Final Notes
Landslides can be Highly Destructive.
moves down a steep slope damages things blocks rivers flooding Bridge Analogy Bridge: descriptions of the topic, explain why the Main Idea is important. TOPIC BODY Main Idea Landslides can be Highly Destructive. Judy Ramer 2015 More Ideas for Illustrating Bridging: Remember that the bridge is audience specific. The point of the bridge is to use language the audience will understand to help them to connect to the meaning of the main idea. Students may understand the bridge better with these analogies: Think of the bridge as being similar to a trailer shown to advertise an upcoming movie. Bridges fill in the gap – the information the audience may not know. "If you were writing a paper about Minecraft, and the person reading your paper didn't know what Minecraft was, what would you tell them about it so they would understand/have background knowledge about it?“ A bridge is similar to a backstory ( a literary device) referring to what led up to an event.
E B READ 1 2 3 4 Examples: Body Lesson 3 Record Final Notes
Text: Landslides Prompt: How does the author describe landslides in a way that makes the reader want to read more? The Introduction Lesson 3: DOK-2 E is for Examples of Evidence E Student Objective/Assessment Criteria: I know how the author describes the topic to make the reader want to read more. 1 Quick Review: The Bridge QU: “What was the Main Idea?” QU: ““What was the Bridge?” QU: “Did the Bridge in the text explain to the audience WHY “Landslides can be highly destructive?” 2 Bridging to the Examples “Before the author gives examples to support the Main Idea or prove that “Landslides can be highly destructive,” the author interrupts the reader to describe the Topic in a way that makes the reader want to read more about WHY “Landslides can be highly destructive.” He/She may grab the reader’s attention with a “hook and/or gives background knowledge about the Topic.” 3 Read 4: Set a Purpose for Reading - Background Knowledge and Hook “Find and highlight (note-taking) the background knowledge the author uses to describe the Topic, that makes the reader want to read more about WHY landslides can be highly destructive.” Discuss After Reading: QU: “What background knowledge did the author use to describe the Topic? Did it make the reader want to read more about why landslides can be highly destructive? Was there a hook?” Scaffold to Writing 4 TBEAR STUDENT RECORD NOTES QU: “What notes can we record next to B ?” Students may write on their own TBEAR Graphic Organizers the topic prompt response or you may do it as a class on a class TBEAR Graphic Organizer. B B is for Brief Explanation of the Main Idea that Bridge to Examples Bridge – background knowledge about the topic connecting to the main idea. land moves quickly Watch out! (the hook!) steep slope large amount of earth, mud, rock, other materials Record Final Notes
B E A R T T Under Construction TBEAR NOTES
Text_________________________ Name_____________________ Part I: Identify the Topic T Part 2: Identify the Main Idea (Topic Sentence) Part 1: Topic Notes: What is the Topic of the text? (1-2 words) Part 2: Topic Notes ( 1 sentence summary) What is the Main Idea (Topic Sentence) of the text? B B is for Brief Explanation of the Main Idea that Bridge to Examples Bridge Notes: How does the author describe the topic to make the reader want to read more? E Notes: A R Under Construction
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