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DESY Deutsches Electron Synchrotron Shima Bayesteh.

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1 DESY Deutsches Electron Synchrotron Shima Bayesteh

2 The DESY ("German Electron Synchrotron") is the biggest German research center for particle physics, with sites in Hamburg and Zeuthen. DESY was founded on 18 December 1959 in Hamburg and DESY's research in high energy physics with elementary particles has been taking place since 1960. Functions: Development, construction and operation of particle accelerators. Use of synchrotron radiation in surface physics, material science, chemistry, molecular biology, geophysics and medicine.

3 HERA The Hadron-Electron Ring Accelerator HERA was the largest particle accelerator at DESY and Germany’s largest research instrument: a 6.3-kilometre-long super electron microscope that provided physicists with the world’s sharpest view of the proton. For 15 years, electrons and protons collided at highest energies inside the particle accelerator ring deep in the ground beneath the city of Hamburg. - Electron-proton storage ring facility - Research operation: 1992–2007 - Evaluation of the recorded data: until well beyond 2010 - Length: 6336 m - Energy of the electrons: 27.5 GeV - Energy of the protons: 920 GeV

4 DORIS DORIS III - Ring accelerator for electrons and positrons - Length: 289 m - Commissioning: 1974 - Dedicated synchrotron radiation source since 1993 - 36 experimental stations with 45 alternately operated instruments.

5 PETRA - Ring accelerator for electrons and positrons - Length: 2304 metres - Commissioning: 1978 - 2007-2008: upgrade to the most brilliant storage ring-based X-ray source worldwide - Start of user operation: 2009 - 14 experimental stations with up to 30 instruments

6 FLASH Free Electron Laser The ultraviolet and soft X-ray free-electron laser facility FLASH in Hamburg has been playing a pioneering role in the development of X-ray FELs. The successful operation of FLASH as a user facility, providing radiation pulses of unprecedented brightness and shortness at wavelengths down to 6.5 nm, has paved the way for new FELs in the °Angstr¨om regime. As demonstrated by FLASH the short-wavelength FEL pulses have a power in the Gigawatt range and a time duration of only 10 - 30 femtoseconds. Similarly, the X-ray pulses produced in the Linac Coherent Light Source LCLS in Stanford (USA) and in the European facility XFEL in Hamburg (Germany) will be far shorter than the pulses from most existing X-ray sources, and their peak brilliance will be about eight orders of magnitude higher.

7 superconducting accelerator The electron injector section is followed by six 12.2 m long acceleration modules each containing eight superconducting niobium cavities. The cavities are made from pure niobium and consist of nine cells each.


9 Undulator Schematic view of a planar undulator magnet with alternating polarity of the magnetic field and of the sine-like trajectory of the electrons. In the magnet shown here the field is produced by permanent magnets that are placed between iron pole shoes.

10 European XFEL - European project with strong DESY participation - Free-electron laser with superconducting linear accelerator in TESLA technology - Total length: approx. 3.4 kilometres - Generates extremely brilliant laser radiation in the X-ray range using the SASE principle (wavelengths tunable between 0.1 and 6 nanometres) - Scheduled start of commissioning: 2014 - An underground experimental hall with room for ten experimental stations - Scope to build a second, equally large experimental complex

11 Thanks for your attention

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