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1. Demographic Profile of Goa State, 2011-12 Area (Sq. Kms.)3,702 Population14,57,723 Males7,40,711 Females7,17,012 No. of Talukas12 No. of Panchayats189.

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Presentation on theme: "1. Demographic Profile of Goa State, 2011-12 Area (Sq. Kms.)3,702 Population14,57,723 Males7,40,711 Females7,17,012 No. of Talukas12 No. of Panchayats189."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 Demographic Profile of Goa State, 2011-12 Area (Sq. Kms.)3,702 Population14,57,723 Males7,40,711 Females7,17,012 No. of Talukas12 No. of Panchayats189 No. of Towns/Municipal towns14 Sex ratio females per 1000 males968 2

3 Mid Day Meal Scheme Implementation 3

4 Objectives of MDMS To encourage enrollment in the school. To maintain the attendance in the class. To achieve the retention To check the drop out. In addition to improve the nutritional status of the children in classes I – VIII in Government and Government Aided Schools/ Alternative & Innovative Education (AIE) including Madarsas /Maktabs supported under Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA). 4

5 Benefits Preventing classroom hunger Promoting school participation Facilitating healthy growth of children Intrinsic evaluation value Fostering social equality Enhancing gender equity Psychological Benefits 5

6 Brief History Prior to 2003, in the State of Goa, 3 kgs of rice were distributed to primary students under the National Programme for Nutrition Support for Primary Education. The first radical shift took place in 2003-04 with the distribution of pre-cooked ready to eat food items such as kachori, ladoos, chakli, shankar pali, biscuits, etc. Further transformation took place following the landmark direction of the Supreme Court of India, which ushered in the distribution of hot cooked meals in the State. As schools functioned for just half the day, unlike the situation in other parts of India, this was experimented upon in some backward talukas from September, 2004. 6

7 Brief History …… ……contd. From the academic year 2005-06, the major thrust of the scheme was the coverage of all the children in government and government aided primary schools under MDMS. All the children of Govt and Govt aided primary schools were served with hot cooked food during their interval session which consists of Bhaji Pao, Vegetable pulao, Shira, Pohe, Upama & Moong Bhaji Pao. For the purpose of smooth implementation of mdm,the taluka primary schools are classified into clusters. Each cluster have 15-20 schools with the strength of approximately 800 to 1500 students. 7

8 Brief History …… ……contd To serve the MDM to the children, the services of local Self Help Groups, which mainly include women, are availed for the cooking and distribution of meals such as Vegetable Pulao, Sheera and Pao Bhaji. The tenders were invited talukawise from the local self help groups to serve the hot cooked food to the children of the schools from the year 2005. However this system of tendering was done away from the academic year 2009-10 because each taluka rates quoted per meal were differing and affecting the quality of meal served. 8

9 Brief History …… ……contd Applications were invited from the self help groups of the specific taluka who are having the :- –Group registration certificate under Societies Registration act 1860 –Valid license for kitchen from Directorate of Food & Drugs Administration –Residence Certificate of 15 Years of two members of group issued by competent authority. –Infrastructure & past expirience. 9

10 Brief History …… ……contd Accordingly 85 Self help groups are awarded the contract order to supply the MDM to the schools. As on today there are 81 self help groups supplying Mid Day Meals in all the 12 talukas of the State. 4 Self help groups namely Vighnaharta, Shantadurga Kunkolikarin, Saraswati MM & Gauri Ganesh who failed to maintain the hygienic condition of the food and served contaminated food were discontinued as per the agreement terms. On thorough investigation, it was found that complaints were more of internal rivalry than food poisoning. 10

11 Issues raised in PAB 2011-12 State level Steering cum Monitoring Committee Action taken: Committee has been reconstituted under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary and the meeting was held on 15/02/2012. Non utilization of funds released to appointment Cook cum helpers Action taken: The State Finance dept has approved the proposal of appointing cook cum helpers in the month of Nov 2011 and they have been appointed from the month of Dec 2011. Non utilization of MME funds Action taken: The funds released under MME remain unutilized since the expenditure towards training of block officers, supervisors and Self Help Groups, conducting meetings, stationery and inspections carried out by the Education officials are reimbursed from the budget head of Education dept. 11

12 ..... contd..... contd In the recently held meeting of State level Steering cum Monitoring Committee, it has been resolved to appoint district wise nutritional officers, data entry operators and provide funds towards training of block level officers, BRP’s and CRP’s and members of the Self help groups through the resource persons of Goa College of Home Science by utilizing funds released under MME. As suggested by the State Finance Secretary, file has been moved for the approval for the year 2012-13. Training of teachers under School Health Programme: Action taken: To strengthen and improve the School Health Programme, in the State level Steering cum Monitoring meeting, it is decided to avail the services of private registered doctors by paying reasonable remuneration per visit instead of training the teachers for the purpose. 12

13 Profile of Primary Schools Under Mid Day Meal Scheme, 2011-12 Number of Schools Government 911 Government Aided 185 AIE Centers 38 Total 1134 Enrolment Boys 48834 Girls 47026 Girls 47026 Total 95860 RatioBoys : Girls 1000 : 962 RatioBoys : Girls 1000 : 962 13

14 Profile of Upper Primary Schools Under Mid Day Meal Scheme, 2011-12 Number of Schools Government 125 Government- Aided 297 AIE Centers 3 Total 425 Enrolment Boys 36699 Girls 33019 Total 69718 Ratio Boys : Girls 1000:900 Ratio Boys : Girls 1000:900 14

15 Total Number of students covered under MDMS A.Number of Primary students(I-V) 95,860 B.Number of Upper Primary students(VI-VIII) 69,718 Total number of students(I-VIII)…………….1,65, 578 15

16 MDMS Administrative Setup MDMS Administrative Setup Secretary (Education) Director of Education Dy. Director of Education (Voc.) State Nodal Officer for MDMS Taluka ADEIs Adult Education Supervisors Heads/ Teachers/ PTAs of Schools 16


18 Supply of Meals Supply of Meals  81 Self Help Groups supply meals to the schools.  Selected after inviting applications from eligible Self Help Groups pocessing: A.License from Directorate of food and drugs administration. B.Group registered with Registrar of Co operative society under Societies Act 1860. C.Residence certificate to support respective taluka of the Self Help Group.  Meals are supplied to children during the interval/recess period at 10:40 am to 11:00 am. 18

19 Distribution of Schools/Students in Clusters(2011-12)PRIMARY Taluka Number of Schools Number of clusters No. of students Average No. of students in a cluster Pernem9354251850 Bardez12112167221394 Bicholim9876727932 Sattari11354239848 Tiswadi839106471183 Ponda1579102211136 Sanguem123445281132 Quepem81664581076 Canacona8643214804 Salcete11814197071408 Mormugao61109346935 19

20 Distribution of Schools/Students in Clusters(2011-12)UPPER PRIMARY Taluka Number of Schools Number of clusters No. of students Average No. of students in a cluster Pernem4453174635 Bardez631411298807 Bicholim3474277611 Sattari2963373562 Tiswadi44108010801 Ponda4398017891 Sanguem2442867717 Quepem2364193699 Canacona2042139535 Salcete651715575916 Mormugao36106795680

21 Transportation of Food grain/Meal F.C.I godown Taluka Level (Civil Supply godown) Taluka Level Place of Cooking (Supplier i.e. SHG) Place of cookingSchools (Supplier i.e. SHG) 21

22 Checking Quantity and Quality F.C.I. Depot (Food grain)  State Nodal Officer  Samples are stored in the Directorate of Education  Self Help Groups are provided with the samples to cross check the quality at the time of receiving the foodgrains from the civil supply godowns.  Kitchen (Preparation) Inspected by:  Officials from the Directorate of Food and Drug Administration  State Level Nodal Officer  A.D.E.I.s of respective taluka  Health Officer Note: State level Steering cum Monitoring Committee has decided to include the Dy Collectors, Mamledars and Joint Mamledars for the purpose of inspection of kitchens and the preparations. 22

23 Checking Quantity and Quality (Contd..) School Level (Hot Cooked Food) Head of the school checks for Quantity and quality of the food received for the day from the Self Help Group Two parents of the P.T.A. and class teacher test and tastes the meal before serving the students. A school register will be maintained with the days remark about the food duly signed by them. Taluka Adult Education Supervisor visits five schools per day randomly Taluka A.D.E.I.s visit one school per day of their jurisdiction. State Nodal Officer Other Senior Officers who are on tour Note: The Mamledars, Joint Mamledars and the Health officers will be requested to give surprise visits to monitor the MDMS of the respective talukas. 23

24 Cost per Meal for 2011-12 A.Primary i) Cost of the Meal: ` 3.83 (ii) Centre Share: ` 2.17 State Share: ` 1.66 B.Upper Primary i) Cost of the Meal: ` 5.32 (ii) Centre Share: ` 3.25 State Share: ` 2.07 Note: The State level Steering cum Monitoring committee has suggested to enhance the cost per meal for primary to Rs.5/- and for upper primary to Rs.6.50/- taking into consideration the increase in price of ingredients and the existing prices were fixed during the year 2008-09. The additional funds will be borne by the State Government. 24

25 Central Assistance for 2011-12 (Upto Dec 2011) PAB Allocation ReleasedExpenditure% Utilization COOKING COST 923.05606.6601.3265% COST OF FOOD GRAINS 208.59190.97128.1161% TRANSPORT 31.93 18.9459% MME 25.33 Nil COOK CUM HELPER 243.914.86Nil 1432.81859.69748.3752% 25 ` In Lakhs

26 Details of Food grains for the Year 2011-12 26 Quantity (in MTS) Allocation 4257.02 Released 4257.02 Lifted from FCI 3113.96 Utilized 2775.72 Utilization % 65 %

27 Nutritional Value of Meals for the year 2011-12 Primary Level MHRD Prescribed calories CaloriesMHRD Prescribed proteins Proteins Vegetable Pulao (thrice a week) 450 12 13 Bhaji Pao / Chappati / Puri (twice a week) 47014 Sheera47512 Upper Primary Level MHRD Prescribed calories CaloriesMHRD Prescibed proteins Proteins Vegetable Pulao (thrice a week) 700 727 20 23 Bhaji Pao / Chappati / Puri (twice a week) 70820 Sheera75020 27

28 Total Requirement of Food grains for 2012-13 for Primary Stage (Classes I-V) 28 Name of the District Number of students Requirement of Food grains (In MTs) @ 0.0001MT RiceWheatTotal 12345 North49978549.76 1099.52 South40563446.19 892.38 Total90541995.95 1991.90

29 29 Total Requirement of Food grains for 2012-13 for Upper Primary Stage (Classes VI - VIII) Name of the District Number of students Requirement of Food grains (In MTs) @ 0.00015MT RiceWheatTotal 12345 North34129563.13 1126.26 South27949461.16 922.32 Total620781024.29 2048.58

30 Requirement of Central and State funds for 2012-13 for MDMS (Pry & Upp Pry) (Rs in lakhs) ComponentPrimaryUpper primaryTotalGrand total CentreStateCentreStateCentreState Cost of food grains 97.61Nil100.39Nil198.00Nil198 Cooking cost464.11511.92476.63411.08940.749231863.74 Transport assistance 14.94Nil15.37Nil30.31Nil30.31 MME12.92Nil12.41Nil25.33Nil25.33 Honorarium to cook cum helper 141.0847.0296.8332.27237.9179.29317.2 Total 730.66558.94701.63443.351432.291002.292434.58 30

31 School Health Programme* No of schools covered = 1070 No of students covered = 50648 *The Programme is carried out by Directorate of Health Services who submit the report to the Directorate of Education quarterly. 31

32 Grievance Redressal System D.E.O. FOR NORTH ZONE D.E.O. FOR SOUTH ZONE D.E.O. FOR CENTRAL ZONE Note: Now it has been decided : 1.To include taluka ADEI’s as grievance redressal officers 2.Display the names of all officers concerned along with their mobile numbers on the school notice board and website. 32

33 Budget Provisions for the year 2011-12 ( ` in Lakhs) Schools Budget Provision Primary ` 693.00 Upper Primary 1052.00 ` 1052.00 Grand Total 1745.00 lakhs Grand Total ` 1745.00 lakhs 33

34 34 MME proposal for 2012-13 Hiring of vehicles for conducting inspections. Meetings. Provision for External monitoring. Purchase of steel plates and steel glasses. Appointment of 2 nutritional experts. Development of software for handling bills. Engagement of data entry operators. Purchase of two laptops. Training to S.H.G’s, ADEI’s and cook cum helpers. Purchase of stationery items. Awareness campaign through Electronic Media, News paper and Community meeting.

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