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History of Video Production By: Blaire Bledsoe. 1868  The first animated motion picture. fantasmagorie.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Video Production By: Blaire Bledsoe. 1868  The first animated motion picture. fantasmagorie."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Video Production By: Blaire Bledsoe

2 1868  The first animated motion picture. fantasmagorie

3 1877  A variety of photographs can be viewed thanks to the stroboscopic disc. http://www.high- techproductions.c om/historyoftelevis ion.htm

4 1877  The birth a cinemas.

5 1888  In 1888 Thomas Edison created the kineograph which is a motion picture camera. http://www.high- m/historyoftelevision. htm

6 1895  The first special effect is made.

7 1895  First Motion pictures were displayed in France. http://www.high- historyoftelevision.htm

8 1895  The first projector was made.

9 1897  The first television camera worked in 1897! production-equipment.html

10 1897  Cathode Ray Tube by Ferdinand Buran were developed. http://www.high- elevision.htm

11 1905  The first film with color was produced.

12 1920  In 1920, American engineer, Philo Taylor Farnsworth devised the television camera, http://inventors.ab ventors/ m

13 1926  The first showing of television. about-film-and-video

14 1930  In 1930 sound was added to motion pictures. Before this time there was no sound at all.

15 1939  The first commercial television broadcasting began in New York City. ild/th100/tv.htm

16 1951  Charles P. Ginsburg invented the first videotape recorder in 1951. The first model was sold for $50,000 in 1951. http://www.ehow.c om/facts_6038159_hi story-video- production- equipment.html

17 1960  Animations were added to computers.

18 1971  The first available video cassette was the Sony Betamax in 1975. http://inventors.abou rs/blvideo.htm

19 1913  The first talking movie was made. y-about-film-and-video

20 1968  Movies were rated on which audience would be most appropriate to watch the film. story-about-film-and-video

21 1976  The first VHS was invented. VHS stands for Video Home System. http://inventors.abou rs/blvideo.htm

22 WEBSITES  http://www.high- tm http://www.high- tm  ory-video-production-equipment.html

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