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CELL2PC 403 Presentation By Rohit Malhotra Kinson Liu.

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Presentation on theme: "CELL2PC 403 Presentation By Rohit Malhotra Kinson Liu."— Presentation transcript:

1 CELL2PC 403 Presentation By Rohit Malhotra Kinson Liu

2 Scenario Imagine you hear a song on radio –That you are hunting for ages –That you can’t buy immediately  Imagine you are heading for a conference –That you are already late for –That you somehow get lost Solution? YES: CELL2PC

3 What CELL2PC Is CELL2PC is a software proposal: –For cell phone and PC users –Who want to get more from the cell phones –Unlike current livestreaming media –Will let you buy songs online –Will let songs be sent to your cell phone –Will let you get the driving map

4 How It Works 1 cell phone + 1 network + 1 server: –Request sent to server via network –Request processed in the server If to buy song, buy over internet If to play song, play from local music collection If to get map, get over Mapquest or others –Instantaneous result sent back to cell phone Listening to the song Global positioning

5 System Requirement Phone –SMS: Sends request to the servers –JMF/JVM: Processes audio/digital data Network –High speed Server –Programs: purchase/play songs, get maps –VOIP: Sends results back to the cell phones

6 Why Viable Cell phone companies: –Get more share in the market –Add more functionality Song companies: –Increase sales Users: –Much easier to buy music –Make life easier (getting driving map)

7 Feasibility Legality –The violation of EULA Network –High speed not always available Content –Cellular carrier as the only content-provider Hardware –Most cell phones are “hardwarely” ready


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