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Training and Development Concepts  Training:Imparting job specific knowledge skills and abilities  Education:General learning in specific subject area.

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Presentation on theme: "Training and Development Concepts  Training:Imparting job specific knowledge skills and abilities  Education:General learning in specific subject area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Training and Development Concepts  Training:Imparting job specific knowledge skills and abilities  Education:General learning in specific subject area in a structured manner  Development: Learning opportunities designed to help employees grow by acquiring knowledge and attitudes (management principles, human relations, industry analysis etc)

2 Individual learning  People have different style of learning  Variety of methods, means and ways are required to facilitate learning of individuals in organisation/ organisational learning  Organisations using learning interventions (CIPD 2005)  OJT (99%)  Conferences/workshops (95%)  Formal education (93%)  Instructor led off the job training (90%)  Coaching (88%)  Audio-video other resources (81%)  Mentoring (72%)  Job rotation (71%)  E-learning (54%)  Internal knowledge sharing (52%)  Action learning sets (27 %)

3 HRD BCS: Features  BCS- system of Game-keeping/promotion from within)  Meritocracy- merit based performance (All)  Recruitment/Selection based on merit  Training/Development  In-service training- (HRD Master Plan)  Continuing Education- (HRD Master Plan)  Development opportunities (MDP), Study Tours, Seminars, Conferences etc.  Position Classification System-2005  Position based Competencies required  Individual to take ownership in learning (HRD)  Competencies Assessed in Performance Appraisal

4 Essential inputs required  Skills:basic skills, motor skills, people skills  Education: theoretical concepts, sense of reasoning and judgement  Development: Knowledge about work environment, management principles, human relations etc.  Ethics and values :  Decision making skills  Attitudinal change

5 Training development process  Needs Assessment  Training/Development program Design  Implementation  Evaluation  Rewards/Reinforcements- embed into the whole system (culture/support system)

6 Needs Assessment  Organisational support  Organisational analysis  Task and KSA analysis  Person analysis

7 Designing Training Programmes  Key points  Participants  Trainers  Methods- (On the job-orientation, job instruction, rotation, coaching, internship, apprentice etc off the job- Vestibule, lecture, films, case study, Role playing, tours, seminars, expert meets, structured courses etc)  Techniques- games, role-playing, shadowing, lateral thinking, attribute listening  Level of training- (1)fundamental knowledge, 2)skills, 3)operational proficiency  Learning principles- motivation, feedback, goals, schedules, materials, transfer of learning  Schedules- duration, rest pauses  Venue-

8 Evaluation  Should we evaluate training?  performance effectiveness  Cost effectiveness  What criteria?  Training validity (did they learn during training)  Transfer validity (What has been learnt)  What levels? What levels?  Level 1Reaction  Level 2Learning  Level 3Behaviour  Level 4Results (impact)

9 Development initiatives  Career Planning  Career Counselling  Sabbaticals  PDP’s

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