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Consider the Professional Responsibilities of Your Role Gretchen A. Winter, J.D. Executive Director, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business.

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Presentation on theme: "Consider the Professional Responsibilities of Your Role Gretchen A. Winter, J.D. Executive Director, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consider the Professional Responsibilities of Your Role Gretchen A. Winter, J.D. Executive Director, Center for Professional Responsibility in Business and Society University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign February 22, 2008 Chicagoland Stem Cell Science Education Symposium

2 Corporations Establish and communicate policies and standards Consider existing stem cell lines, cord blood, embryonic, fetal, cord blood,and adult stem cells Consider all areas where policy could apply Consider profitability in context of corporate responsibility Adhere to accepted ethical and professional standards Align reporting relationships to permit exercise of employee's professional responsibilities without interference

3 Physician Researcher First, do no harm Patient safety is paramount Use generally accepted standards in clinical research Obtain informed consent Recognize and address personal pressure(s) Avoid and/or disclose conflicts of interest Respect confidential information Keep accurate records

4 Journalist Learn your biases and remember them when reporting Choose sources carefully and quote them accurately Disclose the biases of your sources Share the whole story Truthfulness and transparency are the core of a journalist’s professional mission

5 Educators You are a role model; model the behavior you would like to see You are considered a definitive source of information and answers Use methods to manage a culturally and religiously diverse classroom when examining controversial ideas

6 Teach Elements of Critical Thinking Use primary sources Be skeptical Ask questions Be collaborative Provide and apply decision-making frameworks

7 A Decision-making Framework Includes… Factual Analysis Identification of alternatives Evaluation of options in the context of values using a variety of tests Selection

8 Common Tests What are the risks and benefits, both short and long term? What are the positive/negative consequences of each option? What if this were being done to or for me? What if everyone did it this way? Does this violate the law, policy, or standards of conduct? What would my co-workers think? Would my grandmother understand my action? Would I be able to look at myself in the mirror? How would this look on YouTube?

9 Final Thought… “Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt.” --Clarence Darrow

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