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Ubiquitin By Mr. Szerminski Sample 4U CCT. Topics to be discussed General info: - it is a regulatory protein that has been found in almost all tissues.

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Presentation on theme: "Ubiquitin By Mr. Szerminski Sample 4U CCT. Topics to be discussed General info: - it is a regulatory protein that has been found in almost all tissues."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ubiquitin By Mr. Szerminski Sample 4U CCT


3 Topics to be discussed General info: - it is a regulatory protein that has been found in almost all tissues of eukaryotes - one of its functions: it directs protein recycling - can attach to proteins and label them for destruction. - discovery won the Nobel Prize for chemistry in 2004 A specific journal article about new research: Current Alzheimer Research, 2010, 7, 549-555

4 General Info protein consists of 76 amino acids molecular mass of about 8.5 kDa (8 500 g/mol) key features: C-terminal tail and 7 lysine residues. human and yeast ubiquitin share 96% sequence identity one-letter code (lysine residues in bold):

5 How it Works Works by protein post-translational modification (PTM) in which the carboxylic acid of the terminal glycine from the di-glycine motif forms an amide bond to the epsilon amine of the lysine in the modified protein.

6 From SCH4U organic unit…

7 Current Research a.k.a. why is this exciting?

8 Subtle and complex actions…

9 Data from my paper

10 Result Analysis (Conclusions) In simple language: Our (humanity’s) understanding the ubiquitin system is still in its infancy.

11 Controlling Ubiquitin

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