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Cover Letters Purpose and Importance. Why a Cover Letter? The cover letter provides an individual another opportunity to inform the employer how s/he.

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Presentation on theme: "Cover Letters Purpose and Importance. Why a Cover Letter? The cover letter provides an individual another opportunity to inform the employer how s/he."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cover Letters Purpose and Importance

2 Why a Cover Letter? The cover letter provides an individual another opportunity to inform the employer how s/he could contribute to the company and fulfill the obligations of the particular job position. It is the first thing the employer looks at, so you want to make a good impression.

3 Cover Letter Essentials: It is important that your cover letter be: Short: it should have 3 – 4 paragraphs, and fit on one page. Be Personal: Use the exact name/title of the person responsible for the hiring. Focused: Match relevant details from your experiences to the responsibilities and qualifications of the job as stated in the ad.

4 Cover Letter Essentials (Con’t) Researched: Refer to the organization’s goals and needs. Tailor your letter specifically to the position/company. Interesting: Demonstrate your enthusiasm. A Request for Action: Make clear your interest in the position, and request an interview.

5 Cover Letter Essentials (Con’t) Perfect: Read and re-read for punctuation, grammar and spelling mistakes. Appealing to the Eye: Use the same quality paper as for your resume.

6 Cover Letter – Block Style

7 Cover Letter – Semi-Block

8 Cover Letter Example Make sure you out in your complete address and all the ways you can be contacted. Date Dana Pareau 205 Main Street Anywhere, NL A1V 1H6 (709)651-8127 dana@internet address March 21, 2007

9 Con’t Address the letter to the right person and make sure the name, title and address are accurate. Salutation Ms. Jeannette Lincoln Winners Video Anywhere, NL A1v 1H6 Dear Ms. Lincoln:

10 Con’t First Paragraph State why you are writing State the position applied for Make a general comment about the company I am responding to the ad in the Tribune for a full-time video clerk at the Stanwell Shopping Centre. I have often rented movies from Winners Videos at the Heron Mall and always been impressed by the quality of service I found there.

11 Con’t Second Paragraph State your academic qualifications, if needed Match your skills with those required for the job Highlight experience relevant to the job. As a long-time newspaper deliverer, I know how important it is to be reliable and on time, and to handle cash carefully. In addition, I am an avid movie-goer and knowledgeable about many different types of movies. I believe that I have excellent qualifications for your position.

12 Con’t Third Paragraph Request action Say you will follow up (And try to do so) Closing I have attached my resume for your consideration. If I haven’t heard from you by April 5 th, I will call to follow up. In the meantime, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call. Yours sincerely, Dana Pareau

13 In Conclusion If you write a very good cover letter, the employer will be more likely to read your resume. If your resume is very good, you are more likely to get an interview. If your interview is very good, you are more likely to get a job offer.

14 Important Community Contribution Hours Assignments

15 Assignment #45 Tomorrow’s Offline Class Select someone in your community to interview. Read pages 214 - 221 and prepare a set of at least 10 questions to ask during your interview. Conduct your interview and record on paper the questions you asked and the responses given by the person being interviewed. Submit this in the next assignment called The Interview - Part II. What did you learn from conducting this interview? Sample questions may include: How did you choose your present career? When did you first become interested in this career? What sort of education helped you prepare for your career? What are some of the challenges and rewards of your career? If you had a choice would you make a career change at the present time? Why or why not? For this assignment read pages 214-221 and submit your 10 questions that you have developed.

16 Employability Skills Portfolio (ESP) It is a means to collect, organize and present items that demonstrate the acquisition of knowledge, skills, behaviors, achievements etc. that Canadian employers deem important for successful work experiences.

17 Employability Skills Academic Skills Personal Management Skills Teamwork Skills

18 ESP Assignment 3 categories (Page 66 in text) Academic Skills – honours letters, science fair awards Teamwork Skills – sporting awards, youth group awards Personal Management – First Aid certificates,

19 ESP As well, ESP’s should include : Resumes Sample cover letters Reference records Job shadowing Achievement records ( diplomas, transcripts, special awards etc) Other documentation collected

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