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Halloween Safety LLLL oooo ssss A A A A nnnn gggg eeee llll eeee ssss F F F F iiii rrrr eeee D D D D eeee pppp aaaa rrrr tttt mmmm eeee nnnn ttttSuggestions.

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Presentation on theme: "Halloween Safety LLLL oooo ssss A A A A nnnn gggg eeee llll eeee ssss F F F F iiii rrrr eeee D D D D eeee pppp aaaa rrrr tttt mmmm eeee nnnn ttttSuggestions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Halloween Safety LLLL oooo ssss A A A A nnnn gggg eeee llll eeee ssss F F F F iiii rrrr eeee D D D D eeee pppp aaaa rrrr tttt mmmm eeee nnnn ttttSuggestions for Children and Adults By: Nancy Garcia

3 Halloween Planning ( The Costume) Plan to wear costumes that are bright or add a bright component to the costume (i.e. reflective tape) Because masks prevent eyesight, have children remove their masks when they are walking down the street. Make sure the shoes fit well and are comfortable. Make sure the costume and accessories (i.e. wigs) are flame resistant.

4 Halloween Planning (Important Tips) Be prepared with a flashlight and make sure to buy new batteries. Teach children their home phone number (or attach it to them) and teach them how to call 9- 1-1 if they have an emergency or become lost. If you will be handing out candy make sure it is individually wrapped.

5 Halloween Decorations Consider fire safety when decorating. Do not overload electrical outlets with holiday lighting or special effects. Let children help with the Jack o’ Lantern design but have an adult do the carving. Take the time to remove hazardous items that might cause children to fall when they visit your home.

6 Trick or Treating Alternatives Find a special event or start one yourself. Community Centers, Shopping Malls and Houses of Worship may have events. Arrange a visit to a Retirement Home or Senior Center. Create and alliance with College Fraternities, Sororities or Service Clubs for children’s face painting or carnival.

7 Before the Night Starts Make sure children get a good meal before going trick or treating, this will discourage them from filling up on Halloween treats. Plan and review the trick or treating route with your children. Remind all household drivers to remain cautious and drive slowly.

8 The Halloween Night While Trick-Or-Treating Make sure all children are accompanied by an adult. Don’t enter stranger homes or cars. Walk and don’t run across the street and make sure you are in a group. Walk and don’t run across the street and make sure you are in a group. Do not eat any treats until they are thoroughly checked by an adult at home.

9 After Trick-Or-Treating Sort and check all treats. Throw away any spoiled unwrapped or suspicious items. Establish a rule for how many treats children should eat on the days following Halloween.

10 Have a Safe and Happy Halloween! If you would like more information call your local fire department or visit This information was provided by the Los Angeles Fire Department Los Angeles Fire Department

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